The new style of the gig work courier
The goal of every delivery is the successful drop-off. Whether it be crew courier, solo courier or commercial courier, the delivery is not complete until after the drop-off. Once upon a time this had to be done in person. Then came a new way. The no contact delivery. For the solo courier delivering hot fresh food, it was virtually unheard of to leave the delivery items on the porch. At the door. In the cold. Where the food could cool rapidly.
Furthermore, leaving hot fresh food unattended on a porch, is a great way to indirectly feed big foot. Or the local coyote. At least that’s how it felt, when the no contact delivery, became the new normal. Flash forward, and the no contact delivery is still an option. However, it is now just a leave at the door delivery. Furthermore, the gig work courier has a knack for adaptation. In other words, bringing a new style to the changing trends in delivery completions.
With this in mind, the new style of the gig work courier is all about uniqueness. For example, the single mom who runs deliveries using the Doordash app. Or a Grandpa completing deliveries with Instacart. The delivery app side hustle requires the gig work courier to bring personal equipment, and personal resources, to the table. When the courier is successful in selecting offers from the queue, the resources can be used to complete the delivery, and get paid.
The Gig Work Courier
Most privately owned vehicles are unique in some way. Additionally, personal resources such as fuel, heat bags and delivery carts, are personal expenses. Meaning, they are an out of pocket expense, for the gig work courier.

Furthermore, delivery apps strive for improved customer satisfaction. Therefore, they are continuously evolving. Which creates a need for the gig work courier to keep pace. The new style is about adapting to the needs of the delivery customer. Leave at the door. Hand it to me. Meet in the lobby. The courier develops a process, for each preference.
Similarly, the process is about the quickest, and safest, delivery completion. Experienced gig work couriers diligently search for better ways. And faster completions. Faster isn’t always about speed. In fact, a steady pace that eliminates wasted time, qualifies as faster.
The New Style
As times change, so does the at-home delivery model. Nowadays, more and more items are included in the at-home delivery. For example, alcohol. Or, pet snake food. Likewise, special instructions are more common. Especially when handling unusual cargo.
Considering the changing times, developing a new style, is the essence of the gig work courier. And more and more people, are using the delivery side hustle to make ends meet. Doing so in style, is what the gig work courier is all about. Stay safe out there.
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