A valuable side hustle schedule for the part time courier
A valuable side hustle schedule for the part time courier It’s not always easy to get to everything. In fact, the busier days usually have some pending business left undone. A special note: If you love someone, be it family, friends, or a love interest, tell them now. Leaving that pending business undone is risky.…
Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery
Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery Every delivery is different. Even when they are the same, they are different. With each new drop-off location comes a new set of challenges. From drinks to detours, there is always something to keep track of, for the courier. Delivery details, and directions, are just the start.…
The best courier services are customer friendly
The best courier services are customer friendly Couriers have a busy occupation. There are details, road rules, and more details. There are decisions to make, and no time to spare. And all of this leads to running on empty much of the time. Sometimes it’s a calculated risk to forego a fuel stop. Every courier…
Arrival time rating and how to improve it
Arrival time rating and how to improve it Arrival times matter. The courier is timed throughout every delivery. From the moment the offer is accepted. To the moment it is cleared. There is a timer for every part of the delivery. One of the first things a new courier will notice is the arrival time…
Tales of the Courier – The lost and found delivery
Tales of the Courier – The lost and found delivery The road is long and winds off into the horizon. 1courier has the windows low, and the night breeze is cool. Only a few more minutes now. And he would be back at the drop-off. His feeling of, things unusual, was steadily growing larger. With…
How to work the queue to influence a delivery offer
How to work the queue to influence a delivery offer Every courier deals with it. Even crew couriers contend with a version of the delivery queue. Although it may be called a dispatch board, it is still a method for delivery distribution. The idea of sorting and then disbursing deliveries, is par for the course,…