When Thumbs Down Turns it Around
Moving cargo from one place to another, and finding all the hidden details, can be time consuming and confusing at times. Especially with that new detour and all those shiny new construction barrels! There are usually many details to track while staying on track.
In the article, Thumbs Up the Good Pickup, some ‘thumbs up’ scenarios, and why they are important, were detailed. The thumbs up or thumbs down option, is a feature of the Uber app, and gives the courier an opportunity to offer some feedback. It’s available on live deliveries.
It is ideal for every offer to be a thumbs up situation. This also makes for a productive driving shift. A thumbs up gives the merchant and the app some valuable real time feedback.
There are also times when a thumbs up isn’t possible. It could be a number of reasons why the situation is not a thumbs up experience. A large unexpected rush can delay a merchant’s staff. An item is taking longer than expected to prepare, or the order was lost in the system. Any of these, and others, can short circuit the process.
Once upon a time the apps were very new and largely untried. Through use and time, the apps and the system have improved, but not without difficulties along the way.
In some cases, merchants had to adapt their systems to adjust for deliveries. The incredible thing about this is, that in many cases it had to be done rapidly, and under trying circumstances.
The pandemic changed daily life for everyone. The apps and delivery services rose to the occasion, and helped by delivering. Lots of thumbs down moments in those days.
With feedback and patience, the apps and various delivery services, were able to adjust and improve the over all delivery experience. But not without a thumbs down or two.
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As difficult as it is to give a thumbs down, it is necessary at times. It also gives the merchant a chance to improve their system, and increase profitability.
In as much as a thumbs up is a positive affirmation and helps the merchant/app relationship, so does the thumbs down. When it is warranted.
Experiencing a delay due to a large rush, or delays because the merchant is short staffed, are examples of timing and patience. Those scenarios aren’t always a thumbs down issue.
If the order was ‘lost’ in the system, and is just being discovered, as the courier arrives for pickup, a thumbs down can help the app and merchant, pinpoint the issue, to save time and expense, in the future.