Tip baiting and the best way to avoid it
Not very many articles on this site are dedicated to the scam. It is the hope that an industrious courier can avoid the scam. As often as possible. However, there’s a little thing called reality, and it tends to complicate things. Furthermore, if there’s a delivery scam happening, it’s a good bet it’s being run on the courier. Between delivery app scams, and nefarious drop-off locations, the courier can barely afford to get fleeced anymore.
With this in mind, once upon a time, a delivery was rare. In fact, it was looked upon as a luxury, or a benefit. One, not always available, but worth the added expense when it was available. Not only for the convenience, but also the rarity of such a thing. Something like tip baiting, was unheard of. Tip baiting is offering a large tip to get a courier to accept a delivery. Then severely reducing, or removing the tip, after the courier completes the delivery.
Furthermore, it is a given that tips are optional. However. Once a tip is established, that tip is not negotiable afterwards. Slippery slopes are all over the place on this one. And the courier gets left holding the bag. Usually after picking up the tab. If this doesn’t seem to make sense, that’s because it’s about a shady practice. One that cheats the courier, every time.
Tip Baiting
The experienced courier may already understand this scam. The part time solo courier may not have encountered it yet. However, it is a rough situation if it happens. Actually it’s not a matter of if, but when, it happens. There will be no clues. All will be silent. No notifications of a delivery completion. Or an earned offer from the queue. This is mainly because in the Uber eats delivery app, the offer can be changed, after the courier has agreed to the terms.
In fact, the tip can be removed altogether. From the agreed upon price, when the offer is presented, in the queue. In fact, Uber eats gives the drop-off location, up to an hour, to modify (lower or raise) or remove the tip. After the delivery is complete. The courier without experience in this should pay close attention to the offers accepted. Keep track of what is owed. It would be easy to miss. Because the courier is not notified when the tip is lowered. Or when the tip is removed.
The money just never shows up. Meanwhile, the courier loses the time, and the fuel expense. As well as any other opportunities that could have happened. In fact, it ends up being a free delivery. Well, to be fair, the app gets its fees, and the customer gets their hot fresh food. Without paying the tip offered at the start of the delivery. Or perhaps the tip was only reduced to less than half, or the always appreciated penny. That’s like handing a restaurant server a tip, and then asking for it back before leaving, but after eating, of course.
The Best Way to avoid it
Articles on this site are mostly based on experience. The experience hopefully goes to help other couriers. One advantage an in-house delivery crew has, is crew support and cohesion. What one courier experiences, can be shared, to help other couriers avoid the same problem. In this way, the delivery crew becomes an effective team. Or force. Especially when it’s a Friday night rush.
A contract agreement is a contract agreement. If the courier is not accepting a firm offer from the queue, then why have the queue? How is it even remotely okay, to renege on an agreed upon price? It’s not, but the question begs to be asked. This open ability to alter an agreed upon price, promotes tip baiting. Furthermore, it defrauds the courier.
There was once another delivery service that had problems with shady practices. It’s deal was hiding the location, of the drop-off location. Big surprise, it was not uncommon to drive thirty miles for two dollars. And not surprisingly, the app no longer exists. Stay safe out there.
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