The no expense bonus of the ghost kitchen
The ghost kitchen delivery! This is the name of the delivery that comes from a ghost kitchen. The ghost kitchen is a unique way to describe a very real kitchen. Furthermore, it can have many names! The location remains static, though.
It’s possible for a merchant to operate several ghost kitchens from the same establishment. Therefore, the courier may see different brand names, on these particular offers. The location will remain the same for each different kitchen.
However, there is a discrepancy on some of these offers. They may not include mileage totals to the merchant. Couriers that rely on this info, to gauge the feasibility of the offer, can get the details from observing the physical map of the pickup and delivery pins.
The ghost Kitchen
The courier will notice that the pick-up location is the same as the merchant, at that location. This is the first indication the offer is a ghost kitchen. Not only are ghost kitchens in the same location as an established merchant, but also, have the same procedures for pick-ups.
This is an advantage for the courier. When deliveries are reliable the courier has a chance to increase earnings. When a ghost kitchen is operating from a merchant location, the pick-ups from that merchant are often increased.
This benefits the courier because it’s the same as adding merchants to a zone. However, there is no added mileage. With this in mind, most ghost locations do not remain so, indefinitely. The concept is a way to gauge a brand’s marketability, as well as its popularity. The merchant kitchen is more like a test kitchen.
Once a brand gets some notoriety it’s ready for a real kitchen. The courier will benefit from the brand gaining momentum. Also the courier will benefit from one merchant doubling the amount of pickups. This is the no expense bonus of the ghost kitchen, stay safe out there.
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