The gaslight delivery for better stack completions
A delivery rush is an opportunity for an increase in earnings. The delivery rush also coincides with popular times of the day. Therefore there can be more than one rush in a day. The volume of business increases when the rush begins. Then it peaks for a given time. After that the rush dwindles until the heavy volume of delivery offers fade. Come back tomorrow to do the whole thing again.
The increase in delivery opportunities is bread and butter for the courier. The courier relies on the heavy volume of delivery offers. When there are more to select from, the courier can be more selective. In some cases this strategy is golden. It is especially good when the courier receives offers that become a stacked delivery. Furthermore, a stacked delivery can be a bonus. However, under the right circumstances, the stacked delivery can turn into a significant loss. Or a gaslight delivery.
With this in mind, it isn’t long before the stack delivery appears in the queue. Especially during a rush window. Accepting the stack delivery is up to the courier. Some couriers prefer single deliveries. For those couriers, the stacked delivery is not an option. Therefore they are less likely to encounter the occasional drawbacks of the stacked delivery.
The Gaslight Delivery
This type of delivery is a stack gone wrong. Furthermore, this is something the courier can’t help. It is usually beyond the courier’s control. Additionally, certain ratings feel the impact if the courier is unable to meet the metrics of the delivery. For example, arriving on time at the drop-off location. This metric counts for each delivery the courier handles. Particularly those in a stacked delivery.
A stacked delivery, straight from the queue, is a solid offer. The algorithm predetermines the combination. In short, the delivery is well thought-out. There is likely no backtracking, or route crossing, to make the completion. This is a benefit for the courier. Most delivery apps do not mask the courier’s location. Therefore a hungry customer sees the round-about route the courier travels. Perhaps they see the courier’s dot on the map, fly right past the road leading to their driveway.
Furthermore, if the courier isn’t communicating, the drop-off location doesn’t know what is going on. All they know is the little dot with the hot fresh food, just went past their road. This is one example of the stacked delivery downside. Many delivery customers are not aware the courier delivers multiple orders at a time. The number one way to counter this is, communication. Keeping the drop-off location updated, alleviates stress for the customer and courier alike.
Better Stack Completions
The preceding thoughts are a few of the things that matter in a delivery. Occasionally the courier has a bonus of an additional delivery. After already accepting a delivery. This is still a stack. It is just assembled in halves. Sometimes the algorithm offers the extra delivery because of proximity. The courier’s proximity to a merchant with a queue of deliveries.
This is an opportunity for the courier to add to the earnings. If the details of the offer are acceptable. Attention to the details of the additional offer is very important. If the courier is late to the original drop-off, it’s the courier’s fault, as far as the app and the ratings know. There is no place in the app to offer an excuse. Therefore, the courier must be certain the arrival time of the new offer, doesn’t conflict with the original delivery.
Moreover, the courier should be certain the merchant of the additional offer, is reliable. Stuck in a long unexpected wait is not a benefit, for the original drop-off, or the courier. Close attention to the details of the offer, while still in the queue, is a courier best practice. Likewise, keep in mind the app will still fault the courier for the delay. So watch the ratings, and stay safe out there.
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