The frog and the Princess – The Detour of Love
Welcome back to the kingdom, it’s been ever so long! This kingdom is so enchanted and lovely, it really should have a song! It is a kingdom filled with love’s precious light, and one that is charming and delightful, and ever so bright!
This lovely kingdom is wondrous, and always shining with delight, because of the Lovely Princess, and her charming, and precious love light! When last we were here, much had happened, in a land not too far away. The Lovely Princess had a quest, and saved the day!
A place named The Bunny Nest, had been in that same quest, that was where a jumpy bold frog, had become a guest! He was happily helping a bunny friend in need, and it was a Bunny Bonanza indeed!
There were lots of bright colors everywhere, and on every asymmetric tapered oval that was there. Then did that slimy jumpy frog board the royal carriage. He was ever so eager to return, to the side of the lovely Princess, for whom his heart did yearn.
To his utter and joyous delight, the Lovely Princess has joined him, and ordered the royal carriage to take flight! Now off they go, back to the kingdom so sweet! Off they go, at long last! This dandelion love adventure story, is happening so very fast!!
Along the road to the kingdom they move quickly and with haste, there is much to do at the castle, there’s no time to waste! A lovely Princess and a jumpy slimy frog travel together, and eagerly anticipate, the return to the castle concourse, after this long wait.
Yet, stories that are adventure, sometimes do turn, even when they are love stories, as we are about to learn. Moving along quickly and gracefully, the royal carriage seems fine, until there comes a noise, from somewhere behind.
The Lovely Princess and that jumpy frog did wonder, what was that sound that was almost like thunder? It came from somewhere just behind, it wasn’t a sound of the normal kind. There is a moment for them to ponder, before something happens ahead that is a wonder!
Puppy Love
What’s this? And hey! look there, up ahead and bounding gleefully, it’s Puppy Love! rushing to greet them eagerly! I say, and how great is this? Puppy Love always brings such bliss!
Puppy Love has arrived wondrous and true, and just in the nick of time too! Bounding towards them in a hurry, and oh dear, is that a look of worry? What could have Puppy Love so concerned?
From behind the royal carriage comes that thunderous sound even more now, and the wheels of the carriage have stopped somehow. The Lovely Princess and that jumpy frog hold on tight, for this love adventure story, is about to take flight.
Puppy Love is rushing in to save the enchanted two, and it is well known, all the magic things Puppy Love can do. Some strange portal or doorway, has appeared, and it went straight for the royal carriage, as Puppy Love had feared.
Now to run and save those lovely two, run and jump straight into that portal of blue. The royal carriage is almost out of sight, swallowed up by that crazy blue portal light. Those magic carriage wheels try once more, but it’s too late, the royal carriage is through the portal door.
With one more leap, and an aim unerring and true, Puppy Love is also through that portal door, too! And with a small click, and a short snap, that portal door closes, with a sharp clap!
The road to the kingdom is now silent, and deserted, am I the only one who feels disconcerted? It happened so fast, and from out of the blue, there wasn’t anything we could do. There must be something, some sign or clue, I feel like I missed something, don’t you?
This is unheard of, and completely off the rails, it’s not usual to lose the main characters, of fairy tales. What happened along that road, when there came a portal made of blue? And why was it after the royal carriage and the enchanted two?
With all these questions comes another type of clue, it must mean this chapter is all through. Time for the next, and I can’t wait to see, all the wondrous things this dandelion love will be!
Simply Poetic Mercantile by Alfa