The frog and the Princess – The Run for Love
Back to the kingdom! The lovely Kingdom filled with love’s pure light! We have arrived here, even though the enchanted ones, are nowhere in sight.
Straight to the royal library we move with great haste! Oh please hurry! There’s no time to waste! Back to where the royal librarian stands, holding an ancient book with trembling hands!
It seems as though there was more you see, when that potion solved the *splat* so easily. Twas true, that much happened and happened so fast, that no one heard the part that came at the last.
run for love
Now o’er to that strange world of blue, where we last saw the enchanted two. Hanging upside down, it would seem, down is up, as in a dream.
Yet that carriage is still sound, even though upside down, the lovely Princess and the jumpy frog are underway, or is that overhead? Ye gads! Nothing makes sense today!
Along the shining paths so silvery and bright, the royal carriage has taken flight! Moving quickly through that world of blue, whisking to safety, the enchanted two.
Now does the world spin right side up once more, the royal carriage, that jumpy frog, and the lovely Princess, were ready to find that portal door!
Hoorah! They are free and do keep moving fast, they’ve just one obstacle left, to get past, it’s long and winding and is running quickly, it’s an enormous watery river, oh goodness me.
River flow
That bold jumpy frog sees something that causes such alarm! It seems they no longer have that darling key charm, it sits in the middle of that flowing river so wide, they couldn’t reach it from here if they tried!
That slimy jumpy frog has a plan you see, he’s got the flipper feet, and will reach it easily! Hopping down from the royal carriage, and preparing to make the dive, that frog has had enough of this jive!
One hop, two hops, and kersplash! That jumpy frog moved faster than the flash! Out to that one and only precious key, out to that tiny island, that appeared so mysteriously!
It didn’t take long before it became clear, there was something strange going on here. That slimy jumpy frog began to grow small! Oh dear! And that wasn’t all!
back in time
The lovely Princess, still in the royal carriage, couldn’t help but see, all of this happening ever so quickly. A river flowing fast, and a key just out of reach, this is the sort of thing only a book can teach.
Now a bold frog in obvious trouble, someone should help that brave lad, on the double! Pulled under by a current and bounced across a shoal, and now that bold frog… has become a tadpole!?
There was a slight pause, to let that sink in, it must be the work of that unseen foe, once again. It might be time to sit down and think this through, nothing makes sense in this world of blue!
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