The free delivery and free courier gas, one is real
Free is always better. What could go wrong with free? Furthermore, free is cheap. Free is a deal. The one good thing about something that is free, is that it’s free. Because of this, most everyone considers free a good deal.
However, is anything ever really free? The conventional answer is, yes. The reasoned answer, not so much. Yet, we are offered free things all the time! How about the free thirty day trial? Thirty days for free? Where do I sign? Did that sign say free lunch? No, actually it didn’t, lunch is never free.
However, it is possible to get that lunch delivered for free! Now we’re on to something, it seems a deal is just ahead. Admittedly though, the free lunch was sounding pretty good. Maybe next time.
The free delivery
The free delivery, is a commodity. Not only useful as an on boarding offer, but also a boon for disgruntled drop off locations. The payout from the free delivery is 0$. However apps are designed to offer a payout regardless of delivery status. 0$ offers are not accepted by most couriers. Therefore, even free deliveries, will pay a buck or two.
However the odds for tipping, drop exponentially, based on the type of free delivery, being delivered. For example, the remake. This type of free delivery is seldom known about, because the process for resolving customer issues, is streamlined. Not only with merchants, but also the delivery apps.
The courier making the second delivery, in this scenario, is the one at risk of low to no pay. The first courier, completed the delivery, and received fair compensation through the app and tipping. Furthermore, the remake is a result of merchant error, therefore the merchant is sending the delivery to create customer satisfaction.
No matter the conditions of the delivery, the use of time, and the use of resources matters. To the courier, especially when it’s the courier’s resources, being used. This is why it is possible to make the statement, courier gas is not free. Because like everyone else’s, it isn’t.
The 20$ question from all this? Can the courier predict a free delivery, from the offer screen? The answer is yes. Stay tuned for the, how to, details later this week. Stay safe out there.
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