The excessive wait delivery, is it really worth it?
Welcome. The excessive wait delivery, is it really worth it? A good question with a multitude of possible answers, or at least two. Every courier has been in this predicament at least once. Or twice.
So what is the excessive wait? Also, how does a courier avoid such a thing, if possible?
With regards to deliveries, the excessive wait, is the time overkill on a given delivery. It can happen for many reasons, and is often a slow down for the courier.
In many cases the slowdown is a simple hiccup and is easily remedied. Therefore, the courier isn’t left waiting with an incomplete delivery. However, other situations are more involved, and often lead to excessive wait times.
Excessive Wait
A very good example, is the late night drive thru offer. Many merchants still have shortened business hours as a result of the new normal from the pandemic. Those same merchants are also still experiencing a labor shortage.
Put these elements together, with heightened demand, and there’s an excessive wait about to happen. Furthermore, close off the lobby and put everything in the drive thru, and watch as the excessive wait time grows.
Not every delivery is a good one. Not only can they become snagged, but also, they can tank for no good reason. The courier has to occasionally use a judgement call, to either proceed with the delivery or cancel it.
One situation that can cause the courier to cancel a delivery is an excessive wait for cargo. An excessive wait is when the courier spends at least thirty minutes waiting for cargo. Ideally the courier will not have to wait longer than ten minutes for any cargo.
Once the courier exceeds the ten minute wait threshold, the chance of an excessive wait, increases. It is to the courier’s advantage to cancel an excessive wait, and rejoin the queue.
As always it is the courier’s choice. Additionally, hiccups are not excessive waits. Stay safe out there.
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