The easy drone delivery – Tales of the Courier
Sometimes it’s all about the delivery. Maybe it’s the location. Or maybe it’s the cargo. Whatever it is, it’s better when on a delivery. 1courier grins. It’s all about the delivery, HQ, and the drop-off. Oh, and the out of the blue, mutated pothole. This would usually be enough for many in the universe. However, not so, in the sunny land of Nalphia. Indeed, no delivery would be complete, without the threat of drones.
1courier downshifts the ride, and prepares for the turn. In fact, it is important to get this done quickly. Recently HQ has been on his ass about completion times. It seems there is room for a speed improvement. Therefore, he is making haste. Likewise, he’s got no time to waste.

The road rises up to meet him as he clears the last mile before the interchange. From there it was five more miles, and then the drop-off. With any luck he would be back before sunset today. The m-com link flashes. 1courier scans the info. More warnings. Great. As if things weren’t tense enough, now they are constantly getting these warnings.
The Easy Drone Delivery
With this in mind, four more miles, and this one was in the books. These days it was all about the ratings. HQ was nothin, if not a stickler about its ratings. Furthermore one thing was certain, if it could be rated, HQ was doing it. 1courier grins. He wants to do it too. So he floors the accelerator pedal, and enjoys the rush. And blows right past his turn.
He swears and slams the brakes. The ride spins through a shrieking of the tires and burned rubber smoke. Then 1courier spins the wheel, and floors the accelerator again. He blasts forward, and is back at the turnoff in no time. However, a good rating can be lost by mere seconds. Therefore, 1courier pushes the ride for all it’s worth.

And arrives three minutes late. There goes another rating, he thinks, as he exits the ride and begins to unload the cargo. Now it was imperative to complete this fast. Additionally there might still be time to save the last of his rating. He grabs all the cargo, pleased that it can be done in one trip. He turns…and comes face to propeller with a drone.
Tales of the Courier
He stares at the drone, as it hovers right in front of his eyes. It is quite large, and so damn quiet he never heard it once. Additionally, as he stares, he gets the feeling this is going somewhere. The blinking light on the top of the drone begins to blink faster. The drone keeps its position and barely makes a sound. 1courier is just beginning to wonder if he can outrun it, when the blinking light stops.
The drone hovers just in front of 1courier level with his eyes. And he can see the small viewing camera at the base of the machine. Is this a drone delivery? As it hovers, 1courier winks. A small compartment opens at the top of the drone. An unusual looking instrument emerges, and zaps 1courier right between the eyes. He does a crazy little dance, and then falls to the ground.
The drone, carefully and meticulously retrieves the cargo, and quietly hovers away. Meanwhile, 1courier works on those nap ratings. And the m-com link flashes, for the next run.
Drone delivery
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