The challenge of weather alerts on the safe delivery
The hail storm was intense. In fact, it was so bad, it became necessary to find shelter for the ride. The golf ball sized ice pellets, were pounding everything in sight. The danger was imminent. And the delivery delay was unavoidable. Furthermore, the weather alerts made no mention of windshield destroying ice blocks from the sky. It was a fluke. A random part of a big storm.
With this in mind, it took ten minutes for the situation to ease up. Then it was possible to finish the delivery. In another episode a snowstorm is among the weather alerts for the day. The snow is forecast to start later in the evening. Meaning there would be time to complete deliveries. At least until the roads became too dangerous to use. The local terrain is mostly hills. Therefore, it wouldn’t take much for the roads to become hazardous.
However, the snow started much earlier than expected. The roads worsened quickly. And the delivery demand began to increase. Then, as the winter storm gathered steam, the couriers were slip-sliding away. Furthermore, the potential delivery customers were upset that some roads were no longer passable. Upset with the couriers. But not upset enough to risk a drive to get a carry out. The weather alerts were now on everyone’s radar.
The Challenge of Weather Alerts
Safe delivery is a constant effort. Between traffic, and unknown locations, there’s plenty for the courier to keep an eye on. And the weather is definitely one of these things. Of all the things that can influence the quality of a delivery it’s weather related issues. Which is one reason why experienced couriers are fine tuned to weather alerts.

Knowing the forecast, and the weather radar, is one of the basic tools for the courier. Weather alerts are important. They help a courier know what kind of road conditions to expect, and to plan for the same. They can also indicate the intensity of the delivery demand. For example, snow. When that word is broadcast on any medium, everything goes into panic mode. This is especially true for those who do not encounter snow very often.
While safe delivery is an ideal situation, it is often at risk when there are weather alerts. Especially weather alerts that turn into severe weather warnings. Solo couriers, and crew couriers alike, rely on the forecast to know how to plan. This is also the case for planning route selections. Certain roads are exponentially more dangerous in severe weather.
The Safe Delivery
In previous articles safe delivery has been the focus. From locating the correct address, to securing the ride when the courier is away, it’s all about safety. In fact, safety first, as the saying goes. Part of the courier’s job is to know what to expect from the elements. Or Mother Nature. Respectively.
Furthermore, weather alerts can be game changers. Getting caught on the road unawares, is a quick way to find a difficult situation. And while it’s true that the forecast isn’t always accurate, it’s still better to be safe, than sorry. More on the safe delivery in upcoming articles. Stay safe out there.
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