The better split shift courier
How about a good lunch rush? That is definitely a good way to get the delivery motor running. To make things even more interesting how about a dinner shift too? Now things are heating up. A time of prosperity could be close at hand. Or in hand.
Furthermore a long day is also ahead. If the courier starts a lunch rush at 10 in the morning, and drives until 10 the same night, it’s a long day. Half of an entire day to be exact. Fortunately, there are enough hours in the day.
With this in mind, it’s important to take some details into consideration. Details that will save the courier resources and time. Some of these thoughts come straight from crew experience. Having a benchmark, like crew driving experience, can be a benefit to the courier. And more.
For a crew driver working the ten to ten shift, it is typically called an oc shift. Where oc stands for open/close. The courier will be completing deliveries from opening until closing. This is a maximum set of hours for a maximum amount of deliveries.
The Better Split Shift
Furthermore, the courier dedicates more resources and time on these longer days. With this in mind it stands to reason the courier would take every chance at preserving resources. Likewise the merchant will look to conserve resources as well.
For this reason the concept of the split shift is often used. This helps the courier and the merchant. It is known that a typical lunch rush ends at, or shortly after, one in the afternoon. The reason is mainly because lunch is over. Lunch is fast.
Similarly the dinner rush doesn’t begin until the four pm hour. Also the dinner rush is a longer duration event. Therefore the courier can expect to be involved until late evening in some cases. This is where the concept of the delivery split shift comes from.
In the hours between 1 and 4 pm the courier has little to do. The merchant and courier both, benefit from the courier working the two rushes separately. With time between. The courier has free time and the merchant isn’t paying for a service, that isn’t working.
Similarly the solo courier has the same options. Working a lunch rush separately, from a dinner rush, is one way a courier can save money on resources. Furthermore, this is a common way of covering a long shift for the courier. Driving during the busiest times, maximizes opportunities.
Not only does it maximize opportunities but also conserves valuable resources. The split shift technique is the most useful in the summer season. Because it favors the courier to work when delivery demand is highest. In the holiday season all bets are off and it’s a full on shift from start to finish. Stay safe out there.
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