The art of the delivery and the easy way around
It was a steep incline. Probably best not to drive it. So we drive it anyway. It’s the first attempt, at an easy way around the challenge. A challenge that came out of the blue. It sounds strange to think of a road obstacle as out of the blue. Or a challenge. Road obstacles always exist. Furthermore they come in all shapes and sizes. They can be almost anything. If it blocks, impedes, slows or stymies it’s probably a road obstacle.
Couriers sometimes encounter more than just open road. In fact, if it were always just the open road, the job would be more like an adventure. With this in mind every delivery is unique. Even though a delivery follows a regular pattern, it is still unique in several ways. The greater of these, is the new location. Not every location exists in a perfect condition. In other words, sometimes there’s a crappy driveway. Or a difficult to access property.
Sometimes the actual delivery location is a mile or more from the mailbox, and the main road. This is a time when the art of the delivery matters. Furthermore, there is an art to delivery. It is a learned art, and successful couriers, are well versed in the same. The art of the delivery goes beyond GPS. Finding the physical location of a place, is only part of the successful delivery completion.
The Art of the Delivery
This has become so true, that I personally only use the GPS location as a general guide. It is the beacon that brings the courier close. However, the conditions present once the courier has arrived, matter the most. Getting lost, is as easy as pie, at any given time. Especially if the courier has no communication with the drop-off location. The placement of the navigation pin on the map is nice, however it is not always used, or accurate. And in cases where the address is wrong, it only gets the courier close.
With this in mind, the scenario is – no communication, and only a general idea of location. What next? Begin with the general idea. All clues will radiate outward from there. Continued effort at communication, is a valuable backup, should it succeed. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep trying while searching.
Additionally, every clue is another step closer, to a delivery completion. The clues are not always in the app, or in the special instructions. There are times when the courier must string together clues, to find the actual location. It could be in the numbers. For example, the zip code. It is possible to have the exact same street name, in the zip code next door. Therefore, the courier may be at the right address, but in the wrong zip code. It can happen, and is a good example of using clues.
The Easy Way Around
The art of the delivery, is all about the easy way around. Whether it saves time, or miles, it is ultimately about the flow of the delivery. The smoother the better. Deliveries that are smooth, are also speedy. Or quick. This is a goal that can lead to an increase in earnings. And improved ratings. Using every clue and a healthy dose of wit and road safety, the successful courier practices the art of the delivery on every run. Stay safe out there.
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