Tales of the Courier – Better backseat driver
He’s sitting in the road watching the ride drive away. He conjures up a mental image of a skunk, that looks like the ride. As the machine rounds the corner down the road, its horn honks twice. 1courier waves goodbye, but not with all his fingers.
As he watches the road sit empty, he can’t help but wonder how HQ thinks this technology will fly. Indeed, it already seems to be trouble. Also he is stranded. However, the cargo was still waiting to be picked up. This problem with the ride had gotten worse. The m-com link flashes again.
Tales of the Courier
1courier checks the flashing device, and discovers HQ has added a delivery to his queue. Furthermore, the ride had been summoned to retrieve the special cargo. With this in mind, he is being instructed to wait for the return of the strange machine.
He walks into the station and retrieves the cargo for this pick-up. However, the items are bulky. Furthermore, they will require extra packing when the erratic machine returns itself. 1courier sits the packages on the ground outside the station and props up for a wait.
After ten minutes he checks the m-com. Nothing. Strange how the thing was quiet, when the wait was on the other foot. He shifts his weight to the other foot. And keeps a close eye on the distant road.
Five minutes later, he spots movement. In the distance a vehicle is moving this way. Additionally, it’s his ride. Feeling a sense of relief he gathers the cargo. Within minutes the ride is pulling to a stop next to him. Therefore, he readies the cargo for the rear compartment.
Backseat driver
The rear hatch slides open and 1courier places the cargo neatly into the specially formed compartments. Then he moves to the front of the machine. As he enters the driver’s side of the ride, he can’t help but take notice. He is no longer alone on this journey.
He has a seat mate in the seat next to him. Furthermore, it is not the typical passenger. 1courier gets the machine moving. They are already behind on this delivery. Therefore making up time was the priority. Additionally, he is now traveling with a robot. He looks sideways at the strange bot.
The bot looks back at him. Now 1courier looks back at the road. That shit had been creepy. He keeps his eyes on the road for the next ten miles. At that time, the silence is disturbed by a special report. The robot turns to 1courier and instructs him to take the next turn.
1courier has a mental image of kicking the robot out the door. The robot looks at 1courier. This time 1courier looks back. Furthermore, he is determined to quell this backseat driver robot. The robot tilts its head ever so slightly. Something about the movement triggers 1courier. It has become a staring game, and 1courier was going to win.
He stares down the robot. Similarly, the robot stares him down. They are now in a battle of wills, as the ride careens off the side of the highway doing a hundred and ninety eight.
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Tales of the Courier – Better backseat driver
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