Tag: ubereats

  • Delivering on the bright side, a style of mind

    Delivering on the bright side, a style of mind After a few thousand deliveries the courier settles in. Some things become routine. When a courier has a good routine, then earnings become consistent. With this in mind, consistent earnings are bread and butter for the courier. It is a perpetual cycle. A cycle that repeats,…

  • The flawless delivery and the money tree, is one better than the other?

    The flawless delivery and the money tree, is one better than the other? The flawless delivery is a myth. The close to flawless delivery is spot on. The money tree is also a myth. I’m certain there isn’t anything close to a money tree. Most parents can confirm that statement as fact. This information is…

  • The Hot Spot and the Algorithm – Mutually Exclusive?

    The Hot Spot and the Algorithm – Mutually Exclusive? Hot spots and the algorithm are important topics of discussion, among couriers. Tires, batteries and transmission fluid are not, unless someone’s tire is flat. In fact, it’s been awhile since the last time I had an in-depth conversation about transmission fluid. I’ve had those conversations, but…

  • Quick Delivery Tips for Zone Jumping and Mini Zones

    Quick Delivery Tips for Zone Jumping and Mini Zones Deliveries ebb and flow, depending on the time of day. And the day. Some days are busier than others and certain times of the day are the busiest. So a courier running at these times is likely to see an increase in deliveries. Solo delivery drivers…

  • Keeping the Wheels in Motion

    Keeping the Wheels in Motion Cars and trucks, red lights and stop signs. Traffic jams, turn signals and seat belts. Torrential rain, flash floods and a nice, hot cup of coffee. Another day at the office. Just a typical boring day, tagging orders and moving to the next. Got to keep those wheels in motion!…

  • Tales of the Courier – A Friend in Need

    Discovering new universes wasn’t the only boon that came from the days of newly opened doors. Each new universe had infinite potential compared to the one that was known. Each time a new door was opened, every universe that was known (a friend in need), had great interest in what would be found. It became…

  • Getting down with the skeleton crew

    Yo driver! Welcome back! Hope you got plenty of good runs today, too! Been getting down with the skeleton crew, first the pit crew, (me) on the wheels/ride. Season’s changing, and that’s tough on rides. Especially a driver’s ride, with well over a thousand miles a week, my pit crew’s maintenance isn’t optional. Next mission,…

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