The on time delivery, and offering the best quality
The on time delivery and offering the best quality The delivery game is more than an adventure. It is also a job. There are different ways to work as a courier. However, each one comes to a similar process. Pick up something at point A, and deliver it to point B. As fast as legally…
Handle with care and don’t look in the bag
Handle with care and don’t look in the bag It isn’t the contents of the bag, but how well it’s sealed. In fact the contents of the bag are supposed to be a mystery to everyone except the merchant and the merchant customer. There is a system in place that tracks the order as the…
Pin driving and the love holiday delivery
Pin driving and the love holiday delivery It doesn’t take long for the courier to get busy on a holiday. In fact, some holidays are busier than typical busy days. Especially holidays like Halloween or Valentine’s day. The courier can expect to see plenty of activity, on these days. With this in mind, delivery completions…
The best dispatch courier brings the A game everytime
The best dispatch courier brings the A game everytime The delivery sidehustle is one way to bring in additional income. Whether the courier needs full time hours, or part time hours, a delivery app is a great way to accommodate a busy schedule. Furthermore, it is a good way to shore up a tight budget.…
Better earnings saving time and resources for the win
Better earnings saving time and resources for the win During a delivery rush the pace is best when fast. The solo courier has many reasons to put the hustle in the sidehustle. Not the least of which is getting as many delivery completions as possible. In the shortest time possible. This formula is the one…
Late night security delivery and the missing code
The late night security delivery and the missing code Late night, after the final delivery, is a solemn time. There is counting to do, and it is a time of reflection. If the reflection includes a taco, so much the better. It’s hard to get that taco, because they all just got delivered, somewhere else.…
The timing of the quality hot fresh food delivery
The timing of the quality hot fresh food delivery It has been said that timing is everything. Timing is one of the most important components of a good delivery. With this in mind, it is important for the courier to strive for timely pickups and drop-offs. Once upon a time (flashback alert) the courier would…