The best 20 dollar an hour solo courier for sale
The best 20 dollar an hour solo courier for sale Every courier and delivery driver has an interest in moving quickly. Because it saves time and maximizes earnings. Also it’s possible for the courier to actively influence earnings. In fact, a more appropriate description of courier pay would be a sliding scale. Not only can…
The best special niche courier
The best special niche courier The special niche courier is a rare one. Each courier has a preferred type of delivery. Also each courier has a preferred area and zone. Then there are couriers that prefer a certain niche delivery. With this in mind it’s easy to understand why a niche can be preferred. Having…
Cargo calamities happen; how to recover when they do
Cargo calamities happen; how to recover when they do Welcome back to the Virtual Dispatch. Most every article on this site is about a delivery. It is a courier benefit when deliveries go well. Furthermore, a successful delivery is the setup for the next. With this in mind, every courier strives to complete deliveries. In…
How to make a streets ahead tax strategy
How to make a streets ahead tax strategy Having a good strategy is important. It is helpful in every area of life. Using a strategy as one of the tools to complete deliveries is a courier bonus. With this in mind, there is another area that benefits from strategy. The dreaded taxes. They are all…
How to ace the anonymously dispatched delivery
How to ace the anonymously dispatched delivery Courier’s working deliveries with an app, will encounter many types of deliveries. The solo courier has a wide range of delivery possibilities. Therefore, delivery opportunities offered in-app are varied. This is part of the adventure in the delivery. Sometimes the unknown is what creates the adventure. Furthermore, the…
The ups and downs of the zone change
The ups and downs of the zone change Every courier has been there at one time or another. The deliveries are flowing smoothly. The traffic is light. Not only are the runs short but also lining up nicely as well. It is more than a myth to have this type of setup. Furthermore, having a…
Quality over quantity, when is that a good thing?
Quality over quantity, when is that a good thing? Getting a large amount of deliveries is ideal for the courier. More is better. Less is not. Moreover, the courier needs more deliveries per hour. Not less. How this is done, feels like more than just a challenge. It is unsafe and unlawful to drive with…