Tag: tips

  • Tales of the Courier – Off the Beaten Path

    Tales of the Courier – Off the Beaten Path It’s sunny and hot, but there’s a breeze blowing, so the heat isn’t the withering kind. It’s the little things. 1courier walks along the side of the highway, waiting for the ride to show. The heat and sunshine are a welcome change from the damp, purple…

  • Tales of the Courier – A Stitch in Time

    Tales of the Courier – A Stitch in Time It becomes obvious with time. Time, does a lot of things, except rewind. One of the favorite games of time is irony. And time always plays for keeps, no do overs. He is out of time. Moved fast, but not fast enough, and ran out of…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Whiskey Barrel

    Tales of the Courier – The Whiskey Barrel Found and not found. At the same time. There and not there, at the same time. Time and no time, at the same place. All of these make sense, to someone. Somewhere. It’s possible to think of somewhere, but difficult through the gunfire. The ride has stalled,…

  • Avoiding the Stack Attack Trap

    Lots of places have a story, and all stories have a place. Much of driving is about getting to someplace. One mile or two hundred miles, the journey always ends somewhere. A couriers work is mostly about finding, not just anywhere, but somewhere. And, at times, multiple somewhere’s in the same trip. That’s why it’s…

  • Move to the Front for Cargo

    Standing in line again? Stuck at the back? Ouch, that is not the best part of the line. Too bad lines don’t start in the middle. So, it looks like it’s going to be a minute, or ten. Uh oh, looks like there’s something wrong with the register up ahead, time to call a manager,…

  • Knock Again for the Undeliverable Delivery

    Can you hear me knocking? Does the doorbell work? Maybe nobody’s home, now what? Ever stood at someone’s door and asked yourself all these questions? And then knocked harder because maybe they didn’t hear the first knock? Sometimes trying to get someone to answer their door can be quite the challenge. This dilemma is the…

  • Drop It Like It’s Not

    Nothing quite like the sound of wheels on asphalt, and money being made. It’s a winning combination, and sounds better with the windows down! It’s been said there’s a season for everything, and this one has been full tilt. Sometimes it’s impossible to get to everything and everywhere. With that in mind, here’s one that…

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