Tales of the Courier – A Trip Down Memory Lane
Tales of the Courier – A Trip Down Memory Lane Finding the pulse of the road takes seconds. Each track has its own vibe. Then, it’s easy to set the ride with the flow. When they match, magic happens. 1courier can feel the magic, as the road unfolds under the wheels of the ride. Furthermore…
Tales of the Courier – The doppelganger delivery
Tales of the Courier – The doppelganger delivery The road is cool to the touch. The darkening evening has cooled the day quickly. 1courier is enjoying the freedom of the road. Indeed, he is doing very well driving hands free, so to speak. The traffic is crisp and moving along briskly as he joins the…
Tales of the Courier – Best the Eight Ball
Tales of the Courier – Best the Eight Ball Once. That was all it had taken. 1courier downshifts, and brings the ride to a quick halt along the side of the highway. He has just skipped the drop-off. He has also skipped the convergent pick-up. Along this side of the road, there is a service…
Tales of the Courier – Better luck this time
Tales of the Courier – Better luck this time The better results. A goal worth pursuing. One that keeps a courier on the road. The irony of the statement is true as he thinks of flipping in the air. So he does. Catching a feel for the form. Now to glide, just so… 1courier lands…
Tales of the Courier – The Great Cargo Exchange
Tales of the Courier – The Great Cargo Exchange A day on the road or a road holiday. 1courier thinks either one is a great way to spend the day. He thinks the ride over to the far lanes, and increases the speed significantly. He is starting to feel familiar with this connection. Furthermore, it…
Tales of the Courier – It’s the Thought that Mounts
Tales of the Courier – It’s the Thought that Mounts Along on the road, the wheels turn and the miles melt away. 1courier watches the road, while ahead, dirt spews and asphalt sprays. It looks like mayhem and it’s rushing toward him at a furious pace. Furthermore, it’s too late to avoid the chaos. Impact…
Tales of the Courier – One With the Road
Tales of the Courier – One With the Road On the road again. There is an old saying about the best road being an open one. 1courier is glad this one is open as the miles shoot past. This ride is exceptional in its handling. The instruments of the ride’s dashboard are calm as they…