Tag: tales of the courier

  • Tales of the Courier – The sensational proxy delivery

    Tales of the Courier –  The sensational proxy delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The sensational proxy delivery The road is long. This one is in the boondocks somewhere. 1courier looks around trying to spot any sort of landmark in the last rays of the fading daylight. Nalphia is famous for its long and cold nights. Therefore, he decides it is best to start…

  • Tales of the Courier – The inside out delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The inside out delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The inside out delivery It isn’t the first time this has happened. In fact, it isn’t the tenth time. In other words it has happened enough to be familiar. He checks the equipment once again. Still nothing. This will be a shot in the dark after all. 1courier grins. Seems…

  • Tales of the Courier – The special delivery effect

    Tales of the Courier – The special delivery effect

    Tales of the courier – The special delivery effect 1courier blinks twice and takes in the new digs. It is HQ. Rather than wonder how he had just been instantly transported here, he walks on in instead. It was usual for HQ to have unusual methods. 1courier grins, at least he will get to see…

  • The first rule of quick delivery – Tales of the Courier

    The first rule of quick delivery – Tales of the Courier

    The first rule of quick delivery – Tales of the Courier It isn’t the rule that matters. It’s the consequences of ignoring it. 1courier is thinking this as he pushes the ride for all it’s worth. It doesn’t take long before he arrives at the drop-off location. He jumps from the ride and grabs the…

  • Tales of the Courier – Lucky wheel, the big rush maker

    Tales of the Courier – Lucky wheel, the big rush maker

    Tales of the Courier – Lucky wheel, the big rush maker The road goes on forever. At least so far it does. 1courier is contemplating the zen of the road, as the miles fall away. He is nearing the city limits and soon the party will start. His determination to be there, on time, is…

  • Tales of the Courier – Guilty until proven delivery

    Tales of the Courier – Guilty until proven delivery

    Tales of the Courier – Guilty until proven delivery The tribunal is quiet while debating the facts. 1courier watches only barely. He is more interested in what is for dinner. Additionally, he is ready to get back to work. Somehow, sitting, while contract violations are examined, seems…Well, at least he had the Off the Wall…

  • Tales of the Courier – The mind over anti-matter delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The mind over anti-matter delivery

    Tales of the Courier – Mind over the anti-matter zone The road is long. And depending on the time of day, the road is empty. 1courier is enjoying the empty road. Much of the time there is plenty happening on the road. Therefore, it is a welcome change to have all the lanes to himself.…

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