Tag: tales of the courier

  • Tales of the Courier – Chance Encounters

    Tales of the Courier – Chance Encounters Boxed in and trapped. Contained and enclosed, a courier’s bad dream scenario. 1courier tries the ride again, nothing, all systems are dark. A quick check of the m-com link reveals it too, is dark. The rear cargo area of the heavy freighter is quiet, and darkness abounds. There…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Crossroads Keeper

    Tales of the Courier – The Crossroads Keeper These are the crossroads. Things can change at the crossroads, quickly. Oftentimes it happens so quickly it seems like nothing happened. Until later. All things intersect at the crossroads. The meetings are not random, they are predestined. Random is the view at the intersection, but not from…

  • Tales of the Courier – Luck of the Draw

    Tales of the Courier – Luck of the Draw The road is a constant companion, sometimes a little ahead, sometimes way behind, but always there. Sometimes the road taken is from the luck of the draw. 1courier thinks this road is from the luck of the draw, as he downshifts, and blazes around a heavy…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Sands of Time

    Tales of the Courier – The Sands of Time Gritty and dry, with sand all over. Moving hurts, everywhere. Lifting his head and shaking sand away, creates a momentary wave of dizziness, that passes quickly. His sand cocoon is thick around, as he shimmies free. The force of the blast had been intense, and had…

  • Tales of the Courier – Moon Dance Run

    Tales of the Courier – Moon Dance Run The middle of nowhere. A good place to be, when there’s shade. Not so great in the desert. 1courier does another 360, looking for anything other than sand and road. He thinks clearly of the ride and Cheeky, hoping to jump back into his reality with the…

  • Tales of the Courier – Showdown at Sundown

    Tales of the Courier – Showdown at Sundown A high speed standoff. A showdown of the the fast kind. Unstoppable force, meets immovable object. A classic game of chicken, winner takes all. 1courier switches on the tunes, dials the fun to maximum, and floors the accelerator pedal. Tell tale signs and missed connections were front…

  • Tales of the Courier – All That Glitters

    Tales of the Courier – All That Glitters The streets are paved with gold. Every step is priceless and smooth with an easy stride. All that glitters…the left front tire blows as they round the last turn, before the enclave. Hell has unleashed and it’s destroying the ride around them, as they run for their…

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