Tag: tales of the courier

  • Tales of the Courier – Moon Dance Run

    Tales of the Courier – Moon Dance Run The middle of nowhere. A good place to be, when there’s shade. Not so great in the desert. 1courier does another 360, looking for anything other than sand and road. He thinks clearly of the ride and Cheeky, hoping to jump back into his reality with the…

  • Tales of the Courier – Showdown at Sundown

    Tales of the Courier – Showdown at Sundown A high speed standoff. A showdown of the the fast kind. Unstoppable force, meets immovable object. A classic game of chicken, winner takes all. 1courier switches on the tunes, dials the fun to maximum, and floors the accelerator pedal. Tell tale signs and missed connections were front…

  • Tales of the Courier – All That Glitters

    Tales of the Courier – All That Glitters The streets are paved with gold. Every step is priceless and smooth with an easy stride. All that glitters…the left front tire blows as they round the last turn, before the enclave. Hell has unleashed and it’s destroying the ride around them, as they run for their…

  • Tales of the Courier – Courier17 Lands Hard

    Tales of the Courier – Courier17 Lands Hard It’s been over a month since the oasis was found. No time to return, it’s been all dispatch since then. Courier17 hands the gatemaster the token and eases the ride into place. The beauty of the oasis still stands vividly in that last glance to memory. It…

  • Tales of the Courier – Standing Room Only

    Tales of the Courier-Standing Room Only Close quarters and not the happy kind. Maybe this is how a sardine feels at the end of the day. There’s a feeling of being covered and under pressure as he comes to. Memories come next and now it is understood, the pressure is from debris that is laying…

  • Tales of the Courier – Up Close and Personal

    Tales of the Courier-Up close and Personal Hemmed in and no way out. The tension builds as the seconds tick by. He’s still grinning as the item on his belt makes a final, audible beep. Now the ride is his. Jamming the car into reverse and flooring the accelerator, he guides the ride backwards, towards…

  • Tales of the Courier – Double Down Drop

    Tales of the Courier – Part Two– Double Down Drop Stopped cold, in the dark, and not alone. The feeling of disorientation is grappling with fear of the unknown. He calms his breathing, and wills his focus on the sound that stopped him in his tracks. The darkness is absolute and the noise was just…

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