How to make a return delivery and what to look for
How to make a return delivery and what to look for For a delivery courier, the delivery completion is also the beginning of the next opportunity. In fact, for the solo courier, the next opportunity could be one second after the drop-off. This is one advantage a solo courier has over the crew courier. The…
The return delivery and the best dispatch courier
The return delivery and the best dispatch courier The delivery queue is a variety show. It is also a random box full of the unknown. There are times the strangest deliveries show up in the queue. Other times, when the delivery queue is quiet, there are no deliveries. Yikes. With this in mind, there is…
The return delivery and how to get compensated
The return delivery and how to get compensated Trips are good. Return trips are also good. Except when they’re not. Many of the articles on this site will talk about the importance of delivery completions. After all, it’s the completion that yields the pay. With this in mind, it is always a positive to pluck…