Tag: lucky

  • The Recurring Customer’s Impact on the Tip

    The Recurring Customer’s Impact on the Tip The Nintendo was a boon to home entertainment, back in the day. In later years gaming systems became extreme in capability and content. In those days, it was possible to buy a game, take it home, and play it again and again. The idea of paying a monthly…

  • 2 Points Happy Pizza Confessions and Zipper Merging Agree On

    2 Points Happy Pizza Confessions and Zipper Merging Agree On

    Zipper merging is an important part of traffic flow, if there are lanes of a highway that are closed due to disabled vehicles, or road construction, it becomes necessary to funnel traffic into other lanes. Zipper merging is one technique used to assist this process. Here are 2 points happy pizza confessions and zipper merging…

  • App Jam Ups and Quick Fixes

    Yo driver welcome back. It was really hopping out there today! Great day for road time, hope you got yours too! The cooler nights are setting in earlier, I can feel the road changing beneath my wheels as we roll into these early nights. It’s quite invigorating! Thank you for the feedback and suggestions from…

  • Far and Away – The Apps Want to Play

    Howdy driver, and welcome back. I could not find the end of that road today, but I had tons of fun searching for it! The hunt will continue. Even now I’m ready, chomping at the bit, hungry for the horizon. Whoa, hold on there. Got to catch some down time, maxed out payable time on…

  • Counting in the Twilight Zone

    Hey and yo driver! Still didn’t get enough of that road today, about to turn back out again, but pulled a pit stop to materialize some thoughts. Also had to crunch some numbers, and that started this little thought train. Counting in the twilight zone. Not to worry, this one isn’t about trying to balance…

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