One stunning heart – The frog and the Princess
One stunning heart – The frog and the Princess Welcome back to the kingdom, the one always glowing bright, things are a bit strange, and some are just not right. Like a jumpy frog, tossed clean out of sight. And with nary a soul to know his plight. Furthermore, the real chaos, is a love…
Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results
Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results Couriers who complete deliveries on holidays, experience another facet of the delivery game. In fact, holiday deliveries do have unique aspects. Particularly when compared to typical delivery days. With this in mind, it is important for the courier to remember the basics. Especially during a holiday delivery shift.…
Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details
Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details A delivery can be short, or long. It can also be time consuming, or quick. Furthermore, even though the delivery process is repetitive, the details are different. On each delivery. This is especially true, concerning different types of cargo. And as every courier knows, with cargo,…
Tales of the Courier – The special delivery effect
Tales of the courier – The special delivery effect 1courier blinks twice and takes in the new digs. It is HQ. Rather than wonder how he had just been instantly transported here, he walks on in instead. It was usual for HQ to have unusual methods. 1courier grins, at least he will get to see…
Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu
Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu There are many exciting things about a delivery. The first on the list would have to be the adventure through traveling. There’s quite a difference between a standard stationary job, and life on the road. Adventure is one thing that comes to mind, almost immediately. And…
Tales of the Courier – The mind over anti-matter delivery
Tales of the Courier – Mind over the anti-matter zone The road is long. And depending on the time of day, the road is empty. 1courier is enjoying the empty road. Much of the time there is plenty happening on the road. Therefore, it is a welcome change to have all the lanes to himself.…
The art of the delivery and the easy way around
The art of the delivery and the easy way around It was a steep incline. Probably best not to drive it. So we drive it anyway. It’s the first attempt, at an easy way around the challenge. A challenge that came out of the blue. It sounds strange to think of a road obstacle as…