Tag: insights

  • Lunch delivery and better returns

    Lunch delivery and better returns

    Lunch delivery and better returns It’s that time again. Lunch time. It is possibly the best time of the day. Especially if there is a good lunch. However, most are at work during the sweet midday break. The rest are on the road during the sweet midday break. This mix is almost a conundrum. Furthermore,…

  • Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery

    Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery

    Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery Every delivery is different. Even when they are the same, they are different. With each new drop-off location comes a new set of challenges. From drinks to detours, there is always something to keep track of, for the courier. Delivery details, and directions, are just the start.…

  • The quick fix delivered – Tales of the Courier

    The quick fix delivered – Tales of the Courier

    Tales of the Courier – The quick fix delivered It is that time again. The right time for a route change. 1courier downshifts the ride, and holds it steady, as the road bends in front of him. A moment later he is heading east. The road stretches out to the horizon. It is a horizon…

  • Deliveries, the rush and better pay bonus talk

    Deliveries, the rush and better pay bonus talk

    Deliveries, the rush and better pay bonus talk Couriers are a highly social community. Often inseparable and very outspoken and flashy. And this courier is not telling the complete truth. Most of the time couriers are on the road. While on the road there are few chances for conversation. Furthermore, the courier is often in…

  • Delivery special and three ways to improve offers

    Delivery special and three ways to improve offers

    Delivery special and three ways to improve offers It doesn’t take long for the miles to add up. In fact, the miles can add up so quickly it becomes easy to lose track of them. The experienced courier has a system to allow for the increase in oil changes. Also the phone number of a…

  • Best delivery techniques of the crew courier.

    Best delivery techniques of the crew courier.

    Best delivery techniques of the crew courier. The best delivery techniques of the crew courier is a work in progress. For the new courier the article will cover some best practices. For the experienced courier, this article may need additional input. Comments are welcome and appreciated. Every crew courier starts learning, with a first delivery.…

  • Late night food delivery for unique ways to earnings

    Late night food delivery for unique ways to earnings

    Late night food delivery for unique ways to earnings In all the hours of the day to make deliveries, the night hours are the best. Of course this is one courier’s opinion. Other couriers may prefer the daytime hours. However, there is a certain time of the night when the delivery scene changes. A time…

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