Tag: insights

  • Tales of the Courier – No news is good news (continuation)

    Tales of the Courier – No news is good news (continuation) The heavy freighter begins to slow. It won’t be much longer, and the cards will be on the table. Furthermore, 1courier hopes it means a room with a view. Somewhere outside the heavy freighter. He grins and flinches, waiting for the shock. However, this…

  • Tales of the Courier – No news is good news

    Tales of the Courier – No news is good news Once upon a time, it was easy to tell one road hazard from another. These days not so much. Blanket policies were a chance to survive. Deviations were devastation, almost every time. 1courier opens heavy eyes. He is secured to a chair, sitting, maybe not…

  • Splitting returns with the lunch time offset

    Splitting returns with the lunch time offset In the article preceding this one, the lunch time rush was the topic. The rush involved in lunch deliveries is intense. Additionally, timing is key to completions in a lunch rush. With this in mind, the lunch rush isn’t synonymous with a gold rush. Furthermore, there are times…

  • The long way around; the coveted tier of access

    The long way around; the coveted tier of access Couriers and deliveries are a match made on the road. Somewhere between the double yellow lines, and the shoulder, is the courier’s workstation. This is one part of the road match, and location is another part. With this in mind, it can be said that a…

  • The delivery resource and better returns

    The delivery resource and better returns The first month of 2023 is coming to an end. As the winter season slowly moves toward the thoughts of spring, the delivery scene is also changing. Of course there are several events still ahead of the spring warm up. Sporting events are special events and create opportunities for…

  • Delivering on the bright side, a style of mind

    Delivering on the bright side, a style of mind After a few thousand deliveries the courier settles in. Some things become routine. When a courier has a good routine, then earnings become consistent. With this in mind, consistent earnings are bread and butter for the courier. It is a perpetual cycle. A cycle that repeats,…

  • The taxing delivery, is it really that important?

    The taxing delivery, is it really that important? Deliveries are not always standard. Some deliveries fall so far away from standard they become unique. It can happen, over the course of time. Additionally it is possible for long stretches of time to happen without a hiccup in the deliveries. With this in mind, it’s possible…

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