Tales of the Courier – The best of memory lane
Tales of the Courier – The best of memory lane He sees himself rolling out from the assembly line for the first time. It’s obvious from the looks, that he is something unique. He knows he is state of the art, yet basic, and able to grow exponentially. Also he takes to the track as…
Tales of the Courier – Tough love delivery
Tales of the Courier – Tough love delivery The ride is airborne for a few seconds before it lands on the hard pack of the off road. Now they are blazing a trail. 1courier tries to steer, but at 198 miles an hour they are all velocity. He looks sideways at his antagonizing passenger and…
How to repair a delivery with a delivery chat agent
How to repair a delivery with a delivery chat agent The delivery offer is a better than average offer. Accepting it is a given. After the details populate the screen, it’s a short hop to the merchant for the pick-up. When the courier arrives at the merchant, the wait is short. This is because the…
The return delivery and how to get compensated
The return delivery and how to get compensated Trips are good. Return trips are also good. Except when they’re not. Many of the articles on this site will talk about the importance of delivery completions. After all, it’s the completion that yields the pay. With this in mind, it is always a positive to pluck…
Tales of the Courier – Better backseat driver
Tales of the Courier – Better backseat driver He’s sitting in the road watching the ride drive away. He conjures up a mental image of a skunk, that looks like the ride. As the machine rounds the corner down the road, its horn honks twice. 1courier waves goodbye, but not with all his fingers. As…
Priority deliveries and what makes them great!
Priority deliveries and what makes them great! Congratulations! A priority delivery was offered and then accepted. Way to go! Now what? Go pick it up, of course. Next, it must go to its drop-off location. Once there, it gets handed to the recipient. Or it gets left awaiting and cooling at the door. Furthermore, it…
Tales of the Courier – Better the signs, find the road
Tales of the Courier – Better the signs find the road The ride barrels down the highway at blistering speeds. 1courier is convinced they are going to be late. The ride is convinced otherwise. They have been back and forth on this issue. At least since they left the way station earlier. 1courier slows the…