Delivery driver jobs and better tech for safer completions
Delivery driver jobs and better tech for safer completions The courier is waiting for a pickup. In the next scene, the courier is waiting at the red light. The scene after that one, has the courier waiting in a dark driveway, for a text. The driveway is the correct driveway. Furthermore the contact info is…
Delivery note and better dispatch – Tales of the Courier
Delivery note and better dispatch – Tales of the Courier The road is winding and chases the horizon in the late evening twilight. 1courier is intent on reaching that horizon before night falls. It shouldn’t be a problem. He slams the accelerator to the floor. Effectively clearing any delay worries. The ride blazes down the…
The average courier pay – then and now
The average courier pay – then and now Back in the day, at home delivery was rare. It was all about pizza, if delivery was available. Unless it was the lumber yard delivering new home building supplies. Those days of no or extremely rare delivery are not part of a fiction story. Furthermore, it wasn’t…
Driver for delivery and the best dispatch courier moves
Driver for delivery and the best dispatch courier moves Every delivery has a beginning and an end. The process is clean and simple. Pick up cargo at point A, and deliver the cargo to point B. The distance in-between point A and B, is the run. The more runs a courier can tag in an…
The low mileage delivery and the best of short hops
The low mileage delivery and the best of short hops One thing about courier work, stay with it long enough and a delivery style will evolve. It happens somewhere along the way. Additionally, it happens to every courier. Somewhere between, jammed up waiting at a merchant location, and stuck in a stalled traffic jam on…
A more professional delivery experience and a winning smile
A more professional delivery experience and a winning smile It’s the winning smile that brings things up a notch. In the first moment, when a stranger is greeted at their door. That one chance at a positive first impression. One that keeps on giving. Perhaps the offer was better than average. Or maybe it was…
How to best mitigate the missing delivery
How to best mitigate the missing delivery The missing delivery is real. It may be missing but that is not a reason to think it any less real. In fact, it is real enough to hurt the stats. Yet the courier will not be delivering it. Because it’s missing. This is one scenario that happens…