Tag: gig-work

  • The return delivery and the best dispatch courier

    The return delivery and the best dispatch courier

    The return delivery and the best dispatch courier The delivery queue is a variety show. It is also a random box full of the unknown. There are times the strangest deliveries show up in the queue. Other times, when the delivery queue is quiet, there are no deliveries. Yikes. With this in mind, there is…

  • The fast holiday delivery and better completion times

    The fast holiday delivery and better completion times

    The fast holiday delivery and better completion times The fast holiday delivery is more than a myth. It is a reality. However, not too long ago, the idea of getting a fast holiday delivery was not common. In fact, the idea didn’t gain a lot of traction, at first. Because merchants must prepare food for…

  • The safe delivery sidehustle is the better choice

    The safe delivery sidehustle is the better choice

    The safe delivery sidehustle is the better choice Safety first, is more than just a clever saying. It is also a commitment to completing a job. When it is applied to a delivery it is also an important guideline. Furthermore, safety is a constant pursuit. Diligence is a key ingredient to maintaining a high standard…

  • More on the PIN Delivery for New Couriers

    More on the PIN Delivery for New Couriers

    More On the PIN Delivery for New Couriers Welcome to the Virtual Dispatch. Couriers just starting out, may not have encountered the PIN delivery yet. The PIN delivery is the same as any other delivery, except for the completion process. Many of the articles on this site are from questions that new couriers ask, when…

  • It’s all in the hustle – Tales of the Courier

    It’s all in the hustle – Tales of the Courier

    It’s all in the hustle – Tales of the Courier The road isn’t feeling it tonight. Good thing the courier is, and he floors the accelerator pedal. The force of the acceleration presses him back into the seat. 1courier grins. This was the path of zen, the place where destiny and chance intersect. Furthermore, it…

  • Tips for the extra mile and special instructions

    Tips for the extra mile and special instructions

    Tips for the extra mile and special instructions Delivery driving is more than an adventure, it’s also a job. Likewise, with any job there are going to be details that are important. Each delivery is similar to a brand new job, with new details. This is the basis for the idea that no two deliveries…

  • Hurry up and wait is not always the lost delivery

    Hurry up and wait is not always the lost delivery

    Hurry up and wait is not always the lost delivery The lost delivery is more than a myth. It can happen at any time. Including, just before the drop-off. If that sounds rough, it is. There are numerous reasons a delivery can stall or run into a snag. Sometimes the stall is enough to end…

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