Tag: frog and the Princess

  • Autumn woods love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods love – The frog and the Princess Our story continues in a kingdom glowing bright. It is a beautiful kingdom, especially at night. Although it isn’t normal to be on the castle concourse so late, we had to see this. It just couldn’t wait! Look there! Up against the castle wall. There is…

  • A hopper’s best hope – The frog and the Princess

    A hopper’s best hope – The frog and the Princess

    A hopper’s best hope – The frog and the Princess Welcome back to the kingdom, the one filled with love’s pure light, welcome back to this loveadventure story, where everything always turns out right. It’s been a while, but not much has changed. The lovely Princess is still so lovely, and the frog is still,…

  • The frog and the Princess – The love adventure racers

    The frog and the Princess – The love adventure racers

    The frog and the Princess – The love adventure racers From faraway, and across a pond, comes a loud ruckus from a place named, Just Beyond. There is clamoring and banging and some strange thumping, plus the repetitive sound, of something jumping! As it so happens, there’s a certain lily pad close by, and it’s…

  • The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes

    The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes

    The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes Excerpt from a frog journal, found on a lily pad in the pond: Seems like only yesterday… It’s a shot in the dark… I don’t have a snowflake’s chance in heck…I have to try even if it’s impossible, because I think about her all the…

  • The frog and the Princess – Love spooky jump scare

    The frog and the Princess – Love spooky jump scare

    The frog and the Princess – Love spooky jump scare Love spooky jump scare for the one who believes in love! Happy sweet heartbeats when it fits like a glove! Precious Lady, glowing ever so bright. Jump scare love, on a spooky night. The castle is decorated and oh what a sight! Lots of celebration…

  • The frog and the Princess – Love sport defense

    The frog and the Princess – Love sport defense

    The frog and the Princess – Love sport defense Once in a kingdom that is joyous and bright, once upon a time where a love story took flight. It isn’t a normal tale of a handsome prince and a beautiful Princess divine. Indeed, this story is more like, one of a kind. A beautiful Princess,…

  • The frog and the Princess – A better destination

    The frog and the Princess – A better destination Back in the kingdom on a warm sunny day. Back in the kingdom, with a Princess more lovely than words can say! A cold season has passed, now warm sunshine has come out to play! Dazzling and pretty, it warms in every way! The Royal castle…

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