Tag: driving

  • Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them

    Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them

    Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them There is a difference between the couriers driving for merchants, and couriers driving solo. This difference can be profound and not just in tax season. A courier driving with a crew, for a merchant, has more than a few perks. One of those perks is the…

  • Quick Delivery and the Attentive Focus of the Courier

    Quick Delivery and the Attentive Focus of the Courier

    Quick Delivery and the Attentive Focus of the Courier A quick delivery is the preferred delivery. Once upon a time, the speed of a delivery was a huge selling point. The faster the better. Also, in that same time frame, pizza was about the only thing offered for delivery. Additionally, the courier was part of…

  • The competitive delivery market and the new courier

    The competitive delivery market and the new courier

    The competitive delivery market and the new courier Competition is a given in the delivery field. There are many delivery service providers. And there are many established merchants, providing delivery services. For example, a favorite pizza restaurant. There are also specialized merchants participating with in-house crews. Depending on the city, or area, there could be…

  • Gate codes, special instructions, and don’t go in there

    Gate codes, special instructions, and don’t go in there

    Gate codes, special instructions, and don’t go in there It’s that time of year again. It is hard to believe that we have come full circle. However, here we are again. And we are ready to talk about that one word that has every courier feeling uptight and slightly on edge. That’s right…Safety! Not only…

  • Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free

    Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free

    Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free 1courier watches the robots make a beeline straight for him. He knows that running is pointless. The robots are the newest of their kind. With enhanced hardware, they are faster than any human. In fact, they are faster than most machines, as well. Therefore, he stands…

  • Delivery incentives and better results for couriers

    Delivery incentives and better results for couriers

    Delivery incentives and better results for couriers The delivery experience is largely about convenience. Most customers ordering delivery are trying to save time. Or perhaps the goal is convenience. In some cases, the delivery experience is to celebrate a special occasion. No matter the reason for the delivery, there will be a courier ready to…

  • Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted

    Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted

    Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted It’s not the how, but the when, that counts. No drop-off ever worried about how it got there. Only when. The how was up to the courier. Every time. 1courier downshifts, and pulls the wheel. The ride responds immediately. They are out of the lane, and around…

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