Tag: driving

  • Roadside repair – a special setup for the unexpected

    Roadside repair – a special setup for the unexpected

    Roadside repair – a special setup for the unexpected Roadside repair. Once it was more common, than it is in today’s world. These days if the ride fails, and repairs are needed, a tow truck is usually called. The idea of repairing a vehicle, while on the side of the road, is nothing new. However,…

  • A better dispatch delivery driver

    A better dispatch delivery driver

    A better dispatch delivery driver Ah the road. It’s more than an adventure. It’s a job. The road is an ongoing event. It runs behind, it runs ahead and it’s a constant companion. The driver for hire sees the road as an opportunity. A reliable, income producing, opportunity. Additionally, the road is being expanded daily.…

  • Tales of the Courier – The special focus delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The special focus delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The special focus delivery The road is pristine, and glimmers in the noon day sun. It races off to the horizon. 1courier chases after it, pushing the ride for all it’s worth. Soon he will be at the drop-off location. This one would require special focus, and deep concentration. From…

  • A flexible schedule delivery and the better boss worry

    A flexible schedule delivery and the better boss worry Most every job comes with attributes meant to be a bonus. A custom start time, is an example of one of these. Or perhaps the job’s location is ideal. Whatever the case may be, something stands out, and makes the job more appealing. Even in the…

  • The better courier payouts not found in an app

    The better courier payouts not found in an app

    The better courier payouts not found in an app Courier work can be fast paced. It can also be boring at times. As with most jobs, there are different sides to the courier field of work. There are numerous details on each delivery, and a time limit as well. Therefore, it can be fast paced…

  • Traffic alerts and real time updates for timely couriers

    Traffic alerts and real time updates for timely couriers Traffic is a real event on the road. It shows up almost anywhere. Especially these days. Now more than ever, the roads are being used to the max. Furthermore, couriers running deliveries, are subject to the nuances of the road. One of these being the traffic…

  • Reliable couriers and weekend rules for better ratings

    Reliable couriers and weekend rules for better ratings

    Reliable couriers and weekend rules for better ratings It’s that time again! Time for the weekend delivery shift. Three great opportunities for improved earnings. Depending on which day the courier chooses, those earnings could be significant. Furthermore, the delivery shifts become extended as the season changes. There will also be extended rushes. Additionally, the delivery…

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