Tag: driving

  • Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free

    Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free

    Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free 1courier watches the robots make a beeline straight for him. He knows that running is pointless. The robots are the newest of their kind. With enhanced hardware, they are faster than any human. In fact, they are faster than most machines, as well. Therefore, he stands…

  • Delivery incentives and better results for couriers

    Delivery incentives and better results for couriers

    Delivery incentives and better results for couriers The delivery experience is largely about convenience. Most customers ordering delivery are trying to save time. Or perhaps the goal is convenience. In some cases, the delivery experience is to celebrate a special occasion. No matter the reason for the delivery, there will be a courier ready to…

  • Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted

    Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted

    Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted It’s not the how, but the when, that counts. No drop-off ever worried about how it got there. Only when. The how was up to the courier. Every time. 1courier downshifts, and pulls the wheel. The ride responds immediately. They are out of the lane, and around…

  • Tales of the Courier – Better rate than clever

    Tales of the Courier – Better rate than clever

    Tales of the Courier – Better rate than clever When the chips are down there’s only two ways out. One of them is not the easy way. 1courier watches the swimming fish race toward him, as they plummet toward the river below. If the robot had a miracle save, now would be a good time.…

  • The first delivery completion and the strong start

    The first delivery completion  and the strong start

    The first delivery completion and the strong start It is a crisp sunny day. The roads are busy, and the early evening rush is about to start. The queue is overflowing with delivery offers. After careful consideration, the courier accepts a delivery offer. It is the beginning of the rush. The wheels are fresh, and…

  • Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier

    Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier

    Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier Couriers and neighborhoods, go hand in hand. It is a given that many deliveries occur, in a neighborhood. From neighborhoods long established, to new and developing subdivisions. The experienced courier will have been there. At least once. Additionally, the experienced courier will develop a sense for the…

  • The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier

    The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier

    The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier Deliveries are the bread and butter of the courier mission. Every delivery counts and every delivery is a challenge. Most deliveries are smooth and go off without a hitch. The courier completes the delivery, and then the courier moves on to the next delivery. Then there…

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