The New Fangled Delivery Deal
The New Fangled Delivery Deal Back in 1985 cars were less fuel efficient. Here in 2023 we don’t think much about 1985. It was a good year. According to popular research. The delivery game was different in 1985. It was much smaller. With this in mind it’s possible to see a marked difference in the…
On the run and taxed, how to survive courier taxes
On the run and taxed, how to survive courier taxes It is that time of year again. There are signs everywhere. The season is changing, bringing with it an age old trauma, I mean taxes. The season of taxes is a yearly event. With this in mind, it is a good time to share experiences,…
Creating an excellent delivery from scratch
Creating an excellent delivery from scratch What’s on your porch? If it isn’t a smiling and energetic courier, a delivery may not be happening. This could be upsetting, if a delivery is expected.. What’s on your porch now? Still no courier? Nuts. Waiting for a delivery is an actual task. Not only is a visitor…
Zone maps and more details in the rush
Zone maps and more details in the rush Every courier looks forward to the rush. The rush is bread and butter for the courier. Indeed, the courier counts on the rush to string together a prosperous shift. The prosperity comes from a greater volume of delivery completions. With this in mind, it’s possible to see…
Further up that hill, how to deal with an attacking driveway
Further up that hill, how to deal with an attacking driveway It’s at the top. From down here it looks like a long way up. It appears to be hazardous about half way up. Also it will be a good idea to remember which side that huge rut is on. Dragging the vehicle and getting…
Once more into the breach of the lesser traveled road
Once more into the breach of the lessor traveled road A pause for the cause. A moment to reflect on the reflecting point. Long day, or start of day, the reflecting point is the focal point just before the adventure. Or calamity. A pause for the cause is also a good time to reconsider strategy.…
Some better solutions for the courier expenses
Some better solutions for the courier expenses Expenses and deliveries go hand in hand. From the start of a shift, to the end, is an exercise in mitigating expenses. Even though exercise is good, it is helpful to have ways to curb expenses. Vehicles need fuel, maintenance and repairs. Not only are vehicles costly to…