Tag: delivery

  • Algorithm Tuning and the Bluelight Special Shout Out!

    Algorithm Tuning and the Bluelight Special Shout Out! Algorithm. Even the word sounds funny. It’s a bit mysterious and definitely sort of unpredictable. A courier that has spent the day using one will agree. Sometimes it’s able to read the mind, or so it seems. Furthermore, the algorithm tends to be consistent. As long as…

  • The Delivery Window and Timely Completions

    The Delivery Window and Timely Completions Delivery windows are important. They exist and matter in terms of quality work. It’s a given, that a delivery will take a certain amount of time. It is also true that the more completions a courier can do in one hour, the better the payout. The delivery window is…

  • Sharing the Road for Stress Free Fun

    Sharing the Road for Stress Free Fun Roadwork, traffic jams and redlights, also lane closures, detours and emergency vehicles. Sometimes all of these are happening at the same time. Lane changes, stop signs as well as pedestrians. Sidewalks, school zones and radar. And these can all be happening at the same time. That’s just to…

  • Self Dispatch Creates a New Workforce of Nearby Delivery Couriers

    Self Dispatch Creates a New Workforce of Nearby Delivery Couriers It’s possible, to get a nice bottle of our favorite libation delivered, likewise, with items from the grocery. It’s possible to have Rover’s favorite doggy treat delivered! Cars can be delivered, with keys, and even houses can be delivered. There is boat delivery, furniture delivery,…

  • Zone Delivering With Better Results Built-in

    Zone Delivering With Better Results Built-in Many articles that have appeared on this site have been about delivering solo. And solo driving, with a delivery app, has grown exponentially over the last several years. Many drivers use a delivery app or two, or even a combination at the same time. There are just a few…

  • Adding Up the Video Options Counts

    Adding Up the Video Options Counts Once there was the camcorder, and it was one of the few options for capturing that evolving moment in time. The telephone was just that, a telephone, and it was tethered to the wall, and movie tickets were still under five bucks! Most cameras in those days were also…

  • Running Late in the Afterhours

    Running Late in the Afterhours The summer season is in full swing and the delivery opportunities are on the rise! The days are long and the nights are busier, and then there are the afterhours. There are several rush windows that occur on a daily basis. During these windows the volume of available offers increases.…

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