Great Scot! – A Climb to Remember
Great Scot! – A Climb to Remember Safety is an excellent thing to have in mind most of the time. Excuse me, all the time! There are several articles on this site that detail basic safety insights. Many of which are tied to a comprehensive maintenance schedule. There is a link to some of them…
Tales of the Courier – Made in the Shade
Tales of the Courier – Made in the Shade The road is long. 1courier can’t help but think this, as the distance from the impending crash closes rapidly. He pushes the brake pedal to the floor. The ride breaks free and begins sliding sideways from the intense speed. 1courier grins, this was shaping into an…
AI spin and robot deliveries, couriers at heart
AI spin and robot deliveries, couriers at heart Robot deliveries are the next best thing. Once the robots start rolling off the assembly line it’s going to be bad news for the courier. With the increased presence of AI and a few robots, it seems the courier’s days are numbered! Not only is this disturbing…
Tales of the Courier – No news is good news
Tales of the Courier – No news is good news Once upon a time, it was easy to tell one road hazard from another. These days not so much. Blanket policies were a chance to survive. Deviations were devastation, almost every time. 1courier opens heavy eyes. He is secured to a chair, sitting, maybe not…
The improved delivery, a courier to table story
The improved delivery, a courier to table story Delivery driving can be a better than average side hustle. Not only can it be a side hustle but also a main source of income. Couriers that rely on deliveries as a main source of income are on the road often. Especially in the rush. With this…
Tales of the Courier – Sly Deals and New Wheels
Tales of the Courier – Sly Deals and New Wheels The road unfolds and rushes to the ride. The wind is cool today, and signals the new winter season is on the way. Absolutely, in earnest now. 1courier is letting the machine have its way with the road. Not only is it a good day…
The delivery sidehustle and 3 ways for better earnings
The delivery sidehustle and 3 ways for better earnings Sidehustles are a good way to make ends meet. The sidehustle is a great way to bring in extra income and maintain a preferred schedule. Plus some sidehustles feel like fun, more than they feel like work! The delivery sidehustle is a quick way to get…