Tag: delivery

  • A more professional delivery experience and a winning smile

    A more professional delivery experience and a winning smile

    A more professional delivery experience and a winning smile It’s the winning smile that brings things up a notch. In the first moment, when a stranger is greeted at their door. That one chance at a positive first impression. One that keeps on giving. Perhaps the offer was better than average. Or maybe it was…

  • The Art of the Redlight and Door Kung fu

    The Art of the Redlight and Door Kung fu

    The Art of the Redlight and Door Kung fu Today’s world has redlights. If there is a road, somewhere along its course there will be a redlight. Cities typically have many roads and even more redlights. It’s unusual to be in a large metropolitan area that doesn’t have a plenitude of redlights. It’s also usual…

  • Proof of delivery, the first rule of the drop-off

    Proof of delivery, the first rule of the drop-off

    Proof of delivery, the first rule of the drop-off Completing a delivery is the natural conclusion of the at home delivery process. Once the delivery is complete, the courier accepts another delivery offer. If it is a busy night, or day, this process will happen almost nonstop. The offers keep coming as the courier works…

  • Protected: The courier list for a better delivery experience

    Protected: The courier list for a better  delivery experience

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  • Road rules and three great ways to use them wisely

    Road rules and three great ways to use them wisely

    Road rules and three great ways to use them wisely Following rules is something everyone does. Some rules are so routine, they are easy to follow. Without over thinking them, or dwelling on the possible down side. Additionally, some of those routine rules can help a courier with the bigger picture. What is the bigger…

  • Tales of the Courier – On the other hand of free

    Tales of the Courier – On the other hand of free

    Tales of the Courier – On the other hand of free With each passing mile the road becomes more familiar. Hard to resist that kind of draw. Especially, when there are so many roads, to become familiar with. 1courier downshifts, changes the lane and then floors the accelerator pedal. The ride responds in kind, and…

  • The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes

    The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes

    The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes Excerpt from a frog journal, found on a lily pad in the pond: Seems like only yesterday… It’s a shot in the dark… I don’t have a snowflake’s chance in heck…I have to try even if it’s impossible, because I think about her all the…

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