Traffic congestion to city growth, courier wit to the rescue
Traffic congestion to city growth, courier wit to the rescue Traffic is a way of life for those making a living on the road. Whether in the suburbs, or in the city center, there is always a chance for a traffic jam. At some point in time, and space, there will be a slow down,…
Tales of the Courier – The full gaslight paradox
Tales of the Courier – The full gaslight paradox The road is long. There is only one other place where a courier belongs. Further up the road. 1courier is working on fitting in, as he floors the accelerator pedal, and lets the power roll. The traffic ahead, swiftly becomes the traffic behind. This delivery would…
Delivery tracker, and can you see me now?
Delivery tracker, and can you see me now? Most of the time the courier is easy to find. Occasionally, the courier isn’t so easy to find. If a delivery is involved, the odds are good the courier will be in the delivery tracker. In fact, the courier will be the little red or blue dot,…
Driver for delivery and the best dispatch courier moves
Driver for delivery and the best dispatch courier moves Every delivery has a beginning and an end. The process is clean and simple. Pick up cargo at point A, and deliver the cargo to point B. The distance in-between point A and B, is the run. The more runs a courier can tag in an…
Tales of the Courier – Guilty until proven delivery
Tales of the Courier – Guilty until proven delivery The tribunal is quiet while debating the facts. 1courier watches only barely. He is more interested in what is for dinner. Additionally, he is ready to get back to work. Somehow, sitting, while contract violations are examined, seems…Well, at least he had the Off the Wall…
A better driving experience with practical effort
A better driving experience with practical effort Delivery driving is as much about strategy as it is speed. In fact, the best delivery times happen because of skill and timing, rather than sheer speed. Furthermore, this may sound far fetched. The natural feel of a delivery is to hustle. The faster the better. Of course…