Tag: delivery driver

  • How to make every delivery a tip bonus

    How to make every delivery a tip bonus

    How to make every delivery a tip bonus There are many truths about delivery driving. Some have been in articles on this site. Others are a matter of experience. While it is true the work can be repetitive, it is also true no two deliveries are ever the same. With this in mind there is…

  • Tales of the Courier – Sign here for the special delivery

    Tales of the Courier – Sign here for the special delivery

    Tales of the Courier – Sign here for the special delivery It isn’t often that he’s late. Sometimes it is impossible to be early. A fall down a sink hole, is one example. This wasn’t incomplete delivery. It was a fall. However, it was the beginning of being late. He looks at the robot, as…

  • Thanksgiving delivery and the best tryptophan tips

    Thanksgiving delivery and the best tryptophan tips

    Thanksgiving delivery and the best tryptophan tips Tryptophan tips are usually free. They come along with the holiday meal, if one is having a holiday meal. The Thanksgiving holiday is the essence, and the best excuse, for a holiday meal. It is also the holiday that features a turkey as the star of the holiday…

  • Holiday deliveries and the best courier tips

    Holiday deliveries and the best courier tips

    Holiday deliveries and the best courier tips It’s that time of year again! It only comes once a year and the stress is off the charts. No, it isn’t taxes, although that is a fair assumption. This is the time of year for holidays! The season of holidays has arrived and now is one of…

  • The frog and the Princess – Jumping love 500

    The frog and the Princess – Jumping love 500

    The frog and the Princess – Jumping love 500 So there it is, the shining kingdom, glowing beautiful and bright. And just across the pond that jumpy frog who isn’t altogether right. Hopping along quickly, jumpy legs and flippers on the move. My! That frog looks dapper! As if he has something to prove! Down…

  • Getting rated, how to put the best foot forward.

    Getting rated, how to put the best foot forward.

    Getting rated, how to put the best foot forward. In the old days of delivery, couriers were tethered to a dispatch board. And the wall map. Indeed, if the courier needed directions on the delivery, it was possible to write them down. By taking notes from the wall map. Furthermore, in those days, a courier…

  • Penalty free dispatch courier opt out for a stalled pick-up

    Penalty free dispatch courier opt out for a stalled pick-up

    Penalty free dispatch courier opt out for a stalled pick-up Prioritizing a delivery is part of the system in a pizza delivery shop. The shop may have additional orders. Perhaps there are customers dining in the pizza shop. Or customers arriving to pick up previously placed orders. However, those delivery orders will go out on…

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