Are weekends the best delivery days for the courier?
Are weekends the best delivery days for the courier? Weekends should be exciting. They should also be relaxing. After the previous five normal days, the two at the end, should be special. In fact, a normal workweek is the five weekdays. And the weekends are a different thing altogether. Ordinarily, if there is weekend work,…
The unique style of the solo courier
The unique style of the solo courier Couriers are usually moving quickly. Sometimes it’s a force of habit. Other times it’s a necessity. Between on time pickups and delayed drop-offs the solo courier is an exercise in motion. In fact, the successful courier strives for no wasted motion, when possible. This one attribute keeps the…
The best restaurant from a courier’s perspective
The best restaurant from a courier’s perspective Couriers spend a lot of time on the road. Between the courier, truckers and drivers of all types, tons of cargo moves daily. Which requires a huge amount of road time. With all the road time, comes a few unexpected bonuses. Sometimes these bonuses are nothing more than…
The best customer service is still the human
The best customer service is still the human The road is a long and winding adventure. It is also a means for making a paycheck. For some, this means extreme amounts of road time. Couriers and delivery drivers spend large amounts of time between the ditches. From drop-off to pickup, and then from drop-off to…
The best courier services are customer friendly
The best courier services are customer friendly Couriers have a busy occupation. There are details, road rules, and more details. There are decisions to make, and no time to spare. And all of this leads to running on empty much of the time. Sometimes it’s a calculated risk to forego a fuel stop. Every courier…
Food delivery trends and better earnings could be connected
Food delivery trends and better earnings could be connected Deliveries are trending. Sometimes it’s good news and other times it’s even better news. Especially when the courier makes the delivery ultra fast. This is the essence of the courier. Point A to point B ultra fast. But always safety first. With this in mind, after…