The best stack basics for a chance at better earnings
The best stack basics for a chance at better earnings A chance at better earnings. This is one benefit that is always welcome for the courier. It can be said couriers are in a unique position. As a courier, it is possible to increase efforts. And then see a positive impact on overall pay. This…
Tales of the Courier – The Shell Game Shuffle
Tales of the Courier – The Shell Game Shuffle The journey back to HQ was uneventful. The last dropoff was typical, and 1courier wonders if this actually is a simulation. He downshifts the ride, and eases it into the waiting service bay. The damage to the machine is minimal this time. He steps out, and…
The delivery holidays and the truth about tips
The delivery holidays and the truth about tips It’s that time of year again. The deliveries are happening earlier and later. And the delivery rush intensifies with each passing day. Furthermore the season has changed, and there are more nighttime hours for late night delivery. This is a positive set up for improved earnings. The…
The one way ticket – Tales of the Courier
The one way ticket – Tales of the Courier The night is deep. The road races ahead and disappears into the horizon. 1courier keeps the pedal to the metal. The goal is to make up for lost time. Also, he could only speculate at how much time was actually lost. However, not much can be…
Delivery apps to make money, do they really work?
Delivery apps to make money, do they really work? Getting something delivered these days can be as easy as pushing a button. Thanks to a variety of delivery apps, there are a lot of choices for dinner. Sometimes, the toughest decision might be which delivery app to use. If the delivery is coming from a…
Surprise in the cargo – Tales of the Courier
Surprise in the cargo – Tales of the Courier It is three in the morning and the last delivery is on the way. The rain lashes across the windshield as the ride slices through the night. 1courier checks the rear view. Again. Still nothing. He’s been on this road for quite some time now. Surely…
Can the holiday delivery hurry actually improve earnings?
Can the holiday delivery hurry actually improve earnings? The holidays have arrived. They bring with them a change of seasons. For couriers, the holidays bring with them a change of pace. Furthermore, it’s a change of pace with a pesky time change. Therefore, the uptick in the pace, comes with a downturn of the lights.…