Tag: couriers

  • Zone maps and more details in the rush

    Zone maps and more details in the rush

    Zone maps and more details in the rush Every courier looks forward to the rush. The rush is bread and butter for the courier. Indeed, the courier counts on the rush to string together a prosperous shift. The prosperity comes from a greater volume of delivery completions. With this in mind, it’s possible to see…

  • Tales of the Courier – Made in the Shade

    Tales of the Courier – Made in the Shade

    Tales of the Courier – Made in the Shade The road is long. 1courier can’t help but think this, as the distance from the impending crash closes rapidly. He pushes the brake pedal to the floor. The ride breaks free and begins sliding sideways from the intense speed. 1courier grins, this was shaping into an…

  • Further up that hill, how to deal with an attacking driveway

    Further up that hill, how to deal with an attacking driveway

    Further up that hill, how to deal with an attacking driveway It’s at the top. From down here it looks like a long way up. It appears to be hazardous about half way up. Also it will be a good idea to remember which side that huge rut is on. Dragging the vehicle and getting…

  • Once more into the breach of the lesser traveled road

    Once more into the breach of the lesser traveled road

    Once more into the breach of the lessor traveled road A pause for the cause. A moment to reflect on the reflecting point. Long day, or start of day, the reflecting point is the focal point just before the adventure. Or calamity. A pause for the cause is also a good time to reconsider strategy.…

  • AI spin and robot deliveries, couriers at heart

    AI spin and robot deliveries, couriers at heart

    AI spin and robot deliveries, couriers at heart Robot deliveries are the next best thing. Once the robots start rolling off the assembly line it’s going to be bad news for the courier. With the increased presence of AI and a few robots, it seems the courier’s days are numbered! Not only is this disturbing…

  • Tales of the Courier – One With the Road

    Tales of the Courier – One With the Road On the road again. There is an old saying about the best road being an open one. 1courier is glad this one is open as the miles shoot past. This ride is exceptional in its handling. The instruments of the ride’s dashboard are calm as they…

  • The better split shift courier

    The better split shift courier

    The better split shift courier How about a good lunch rush? That is definitely a good way to get the delivery motor running. To make things even more interesting how about a dinner shift too? Now things are heating up. A time of prosperity could be close at hand. Or in hand. Furthermore a long…

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