Tag: couriers

  • Alert for the out of the blue Road Obstacle

    Alert for the out of the blue Road Obstacle

    Alert for the out of the blue Road Obstacle Delivery driving means many hours on the road. It will include time spent sitting in traffic, at red lights and dodging road obstacles. Safe driving is important and not only keeps the courier safe but also other drivers. It is also important to stay alert while…

  • More on the road for road safety

    More on the road for road safety

    More on the road for road safety Ah the road. The sweet smell of asphalt in the morning. Indeed, at the intersection, the air is filled with the sweet smell of carbon monoxide. The sparkle of safety glass pieces, twinkles in the middle of the intersection. The telltale sign of an eventful night. The coffee…

  • The high value courier identity

    The high value courier identity

    The high value courier identity The high value courier identity is a real thing. Not only does it help the courier but also the drop-off location. That doesn’t really explain the idea. But it does get a conversation started. So what is the high value courier identity? Simply put, it’s the same as professionalism. Furthermore…

  • Which courier is the better paid courier?

    Which courier is the better paid courier?

    Which courier is the better paid courier? Is it the solo courier, or the crew courier? The new courier may wonder about the comparison. Who’s the better paid courier has relevance for a number of reasons. The effective use of resources is top among them. With this in mind, it becomes easier to answer the…

  • The art of the dispatch courier

    The art of the dispatch courier

    The art of the dispatch courier The delivery side hustle is a unique way to earn additional income. And in some cases it is a full time job position. When a courier is in a crew environment, repetition is more than normal. It is also frequent. With this in mind there is an advantage with…

  • The Mechanical Delay and 3 Ways to Win

    The Mechanical Delay and 3 Ways to Win Delays happen. They are famous for happening at the worst times. Occasionally a delay can end an entire driving shift, depending on the type of delay, it can also impact the whole day. There are lots of tips to help with maximizing pay and offers while driving.…

  • Tales of the Courier – Best the Eight Ball

    Tales of the Courier – Best the Eight Ball

    Tales of the Courier – Best the Eight Ball Once. That was all it had taken. 1courier downshifts, and brings the ride to a quick halt along the side of the highway. He has just skipped the drop-off. He has also skipped the convergent pick-up. Along this side of the road, there is a service…

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