Tag: couriers

  • Tales of the Courier – The trouble with tumbleweeds

    Tales of the Courier – The trouble with tumbleweeds

    Tales of the Courier – The trouble with tumbleweeds They awaken in a cloud of settling dust. 1courier takes a tentative look around. He eases himself upright in the seat. They are some distance from the road. It appears they traveled perpendicular to the event. His eyes snap open. Now he is awake and not…

  • The delivery niche for an improved courier

    The delivery niche for an improved courier

    The delivery niche for an improved courier It only takes a short while for a courier to discover a niche delivery. The amount of deliveries a courier has completed, matters. It gives the courier experience and real time benchmarks that are useful in future reference. For example, accepting delivery offers the courier knows are good…

  • Closing time delivery and why the hurry

    Closing time delivery and why the hurry

    Closing time delivery and why the hurry The delivery side hustle is a real way to earn extra income. Extra income is a real way to make ends meet. Furthermore, income that is achievable with flexible scheduling, is ideal. With this in mind, a delivery app gives a courier the freedom to schedule availability for…

  • Courier safety check for the best returns

    Courier safety check for the best returns

    Courier safety check for the best returns A safety check is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a required thing in some work places. Not only is worker safety important, but also so is work site safety. In other words, the safety of the working environment. With this in mind, how does a…

  • Tales of the Courier – Best the delivery better the drop-off

    Tales of the Courier – Best the delivery better the drop-off

    Tales of the Courier – Best the delivery better the drop-off A long journey is always a good thing. In fact, it is preferred, when the ride is fast. 1courier thinks this ride is one of the fastest he’s driven. Not only is it lightning quick, but also it is nimble and powerful. He pushes…

  • The most important delivery

    The most important delivery

    The most important delivery Welcome back to the Virtual Dispatch. Did anyone else enjoy the Wednesday night rush? Depending on the state the courier is in, that could be the question of the day! Or the year. The weather is always a consideration in the delivery game. Always. Not only can the weather be a…

  • A change in weather for the better delivery rush

    A change in weather for the better delivery rush

    A change in weather for the better delivery rush A change in the weather is significant for deliveries. It is significant when the delivery volume increases. This is a benefit to the courier. With an increase in delivery volume there is an increase in offers from the queue. This is when the courier has the…

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