Tag: couriers

  • Tales of the Courier – The better dispatch note

    Tales of the Courier – The better dispatch note

    Tales of the Courier – The better dispatch note The road is not hidden. It is adjusted. There are only certain parts of the spectrum visible on Nalphia. The way the twin suns of the day also alter the spectrum of the night. The effect was noticeable in the daylight hours but unpredictable in the…

  • Holiday delivery, an old game in the new season

    Holiday delivery, an old game in the new season

    Holiday delivery, an old game in the new season It doesn’t take long for the seasons to change. It is already darker an hour or more earlier, than a month ago. Furthermore, the temperatures and weather conditions will shift to a seasonal experience on the daily. In other words it isn’t going to stay hot.…

  • Catering delivery, a special comparison to the cash delivery

    Catering delivery, a special comparison to the cash delivery

    Catering delivery, a special comparison to the cash delivery There are different types of deliveries. Some deliveries are for household goods. Some deliveries are grocery deliveries. Additionally, there are the hot fresh food deliveries. Furthermore, there are also different types of hot fresh food deliveries. With this in mind, the purpose of this article is…

  • Late night delivery and tips for better results

    Late night delivery and tips for better results

    Late night delivery and tips for better results Late night deliveries are a thing on their own. For anyone who doesn’t like the crowded roads of the day, late night deliveries are a positive option. Similarly, there are more than a few late night merchants, serving up those late night deliveries. With this in mind,…

  • A few myths about the speedy delivery

    A few myths about the speedy delivery

    A few myths about the speedy delivery Once upon a time there were commercials about crazy delivery drivers. Not only did they treat cargo with reckless abandon, but also had no regard for road safety. Thank goodness it was only fiction, on television. I did notice a few eyebrows, raise a little, on that last…

  • Delivery expenses and how to trim them down

    Delivery expenses and how to trim them down

    Delivery expenses and how to trim them down Delivery expenses are real. Some fluctuate daily. For example, gas prices. Others are a recurring cost such as tire replacement. Or lunch. If the courier, is the courier’s maintenance plan, there will be expenses there also. Furthermore there are additional expenses associated with transportation. These are expenses…

  • The delivery critic and better ratings

    The delivery critic and better ratings

    The delivery critic and better ratings Delivery driving is a solid side hustle. Delivery driving with an app is a great way to have a preferred schedule. Not only a preferred schedule but also the opportunity to bring in earnings at any point in the day. With this in mind it is helpful to be…

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