Is a catering delivery better through a delivery app?
Is a catering delivery better through a delivery app? The catering delivery, is a very involved delivery type. The delivery itself, is usually large. There are many items. Not only food items, but also equipment and accessories. Add this to the setup of the order, and a deep involvement is guaranteed. Similarly, there are more…
The best food delivery app
The best food delivery app The food delivery app has become a feature in everyday life. Though it had humble beginnings. However, the concept of using an app to order a delivery, quickly caught on. It became a matter of convenience, as well as a way to tap into an entirely untapped market. Delivery variety.…
The last minute delivery courier
The last minute delivery courier “That was the point of ordering it last minute.” Because it was possible. However, that was only part of it. The customer didn’t leave work until after the restaurant closed. This meant a late order was the freshest choice. This is a timing technique for the delivery app, pro, customer.…
The focus challenge – Tales of the Courier
The focus challenge – Tales of the Courier The road is an exciting mix of mystery and the familiar. Anyone using the road for an extended time, appreciates the familiar. Similarly, since the road is an ever changing forward moving story, it is an adventure above all else. 1courier grins as he downshifts the ride.…
Easy strategies for the hourly crew courier
Time change delivery, how to gain an hour
Time change delivery, how to gain an hour It’s that time of year again. The days are getting shorter. Therefore, the nights are getting longer. This is especially important for the at home delivery. The shorter days mean more of a courier’s delivery work, is happening at night. Anyone who has worked delivery knows there…
Trick or treat times and better safety on the road
Trick or treat times and better safety on the road Happy Halloween! At long last it has arrived! One of the most exciting days of the year. It’s an official, unofficially official holiday. Furthermore, it can be an extremely busy holiday in more ways than one. For couriers and delivery drivers, it’s one of the…