Strange Delivery Myths and the Key to Better Ratings
A completed delivery is the goal of every courier. After all, it takes a completed delivery, to generate earnings. If the delivery cannot be completed, the courier discontinues the run. Additionally the courier forgoes any pay. The methods for this process vary, depending on the cause, and the delivery app in use.
With this in mind, there are strange delivery myths every courier encounters, at one time or another. This isn’t uncommon. However, it has become less common in recent years. Yet ,some of those old myths still prevail. For example, a courier knows exactly what is in the sealed cargo container. This is a myth. Couriers do not open packages. Likewise they don’t look inside a sealed container.
The courier’s job is to pickup cargo from point A. Then deliver it to point B. If anything is missing from a sealed container, it is for point A and point B, to remedy. Respectively. This is just one example of the strange delivery myths that are out there.
Strange Delivery Myths
Some delivery myths involve crew couriers. Or, couriers that drive exclusively for a merchant, or brand. One of the most common of these, is the higher tip, equals the prioritized delivery. In other words, if the customer tips more, they will receive their delivery ahead of everyone else. No waiting. Especially during a rush. This is a myth.
Crew couriers work with a delivery system designed to be fair for the courier. The delivery queue disperses on a first come first served system. This means the next available delivery in a merchant’s queue, goes to the next available courier. A crew of couriers will keep track of who is next. Usually by the order in which the couriers return from previous deliveries.
The system dispatches deliveries based on timing. One delivery prioritized above another, due to a high tip, is a myth. No matter who tips what. Tips are always optional. Furthermore, they are most often merit based. Did the courier hustle? Was the hot fresh food, hot and fresh upon arrival? Was the courier courteous and polite? These are the things that influence tips. Tips do not influence queues.
This is only slightly different for the solo courier using an app. For these couriers, higher ratings, will yield access to higher tip offerings. Some delivery customers offer larger tips. Therefore a delivery app will match a high performing courier with the higher payouts. It is an incentive based method for a delivery app. However, the courier still encounters things that cannot be changed. For example, heavy traffic. Or unexpected delays at the pickup location.
Better Ratings
With this in mind, it is important to consider the opposite of this. The no tip scenario. This scenario leads to another strange delivery myth. The one that says a courier will get a payout without a tip. While it is true that crew couriers are usually employees, the solo courier using a delivery app, is not. The solo courier relies on base pay, and the tip, exclusively. Base pay is a minimum offer. Seldom more than a few cents per mile. If the delivery is only a couple of miles, the base pay is very low.
This type of delivery is the no tip delivery. When offered in the queue, most couriers decline the offer. Especially if it will cost more than it pays. There would be no other compensation. Furthermore, the courier cannot fuel a vehicle, with zero money. However, there are times the app’s algorithm can find a higher paying delivery. Then it pairs the no tip delivery, with the higher paying offer. This becomes a stacked delivery. Strange delivery myths are common. However, understanding their source, can be the key to better ratings. Stay safe out there.
Originally published 10/10/2024. Updated on 12/26/2024 (Editor – The Anonymous Courier)
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