Self Dispatch Creates a New Workforce of Nearby Delivery Couriers
It’s possible, to get a nice bottle of our favorite libation delivered, likewise, with items from the grocery.
It’s possible to have Rover’s favorite doggy treat delivered! Cars can be delivered, with keys, and even houses can be delivered. There is boat delivery, furniture delivery, appliance delivery, and even the kitchen sink, which can also be delivered.
Once, it was considered handy to own a utility vehicle. Having a utility vehicle saved money on those costly delivery fees. The utility vehicle was also useful for standard cargo pickups, as well as heavy loads.
This concept of self delivery was often associated with helping a friend move to a new home. There was very little convenience in that type of delivery. Also, in those days, hot fresh food delivery, was only available in pizza form.
The Apps
In 2013 the delivery scene began to change with the arrival of Doordash. Next, in August 2014, Ubereats joined the convenience delivery market. As more 3rd party apps began to operate in the delivery arena, so too, did the demand for couriers.
This demand for industry participants, created a new workforce that is still growing today. A shift, in the convenience delivery market, is likewise impacting businesses that decide to join.
Dispatch boards belong to a crew environment. The tethered dispatch board, is being replaced by self dispatch models.
Third party delivery apps have begun to usher out the era of delivery crews. Making way for the solo, self dispatch, delivery driver.
Nearby Couriers
Merchants that employ delivery crews, are seeing a shift in deliveries, because of a limited delivery range. Third party delivery apps don’t have mileage limits, hence, they are a ‘go to‘ choice, for customers that live far away.
The convenience delivery market, is evolving into an industry. Further, this was happening before the pandemic. As the pandemic unfolded, the real value of this industry became apparent.
Subsequently, a new workforce of self dispatch drivers, rose to meet the demands of this evolving industry. The volume of convenience deliveries, furniture deliveries, and package deliveries, continues to grow.
Drivers and couriers are in demand. The industry is moving as much cargo as possible. The crowd of couriers arriving for dispatched orders, has grown, and the number of participating merchants is also growing.
additional thoughts
It’s easy to imagine what this industry will look like in the future. More efficient ways to complete deliveries, will be found, as convenience deliveries become mainstream. SpaceX is one glimpse, into a delivery future that’s extremely exciting!
This industry is growing fast. The Apps will continue developing into a resource for drivers, and as a result, new things will be added to keep pace with the developing delivery industry.
In the meantime, a new workforce of nearby couriers, will continue to bring those deliveries home! Stay safe out there!
(Self dispatch creates a, ‘new workforce’, of nearby delivery couriers is an opinion article, based on experience.)
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