Rushing in the equinox and why the radio is great
Last day of summer. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday was the first day of summer. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, fall is in the air.
Since the days are shorter, there are more nighttime hours. Deliveries that happen at night have additional challenges. Furthermore, night deliveries require additional diligence and mindfulness.
This is especially true when rushing in the equinox, and why the radio is great. Keeping distractions at a minimum is one sure way to enjoy the equinox running.
Moreover, it is extremely important to check all the details, and go over the items screen more than once. On every delivery dropoff. There’s nothing like arriving at the dropoff only to learn an item has been left behind.
Why the Radio is Great
It’s also a good idea to double check antifreeze and tires on the ride. The season is changing and the value of vehicle maintenance as a precaution, cannot be understated.
Double checking that all turn signal lights are operational, is an excellent way to stay ahead of that safety curve. Additionally, windshield wipers and the fuel gauge are good things to double check for the upcoming season change.
Safety equipment that is more seasonal is also a good idea. For example, tire chains and roadside emergency flares. Maybe even a spare blanket or two for good measure.
Planning ahead, and being ready for the season change, is an excellent way for the courier to be running in the equinox. But what about the radio?
The radio is the show. It’s local and it’s got everything, as well as being hands free. It even has call outs of real time, local traffic situations. Entertainment that’s informative, what could be better?
All of this makes the radio a great asset to the courier. Stay safe out there.
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