Route selection for improved ratings and safer drop-offs
Couriers are familiar with the roads they travel. Especially the ones traveled everyday. With this in mind, it doesn’t take long to get the pulse of an area. In fact, a crew courier with a set delivery zone, knows that zone. Every street is part of a usable plan. Every red light, is another part of that same plan. Put it all together and it’s one large work site for the courier.
Similarly, the entirety of the delivery zone becomes very familiar to the courier. For example, road construction. Not only is road construction a typical slow down, but also it can pop up almost anywhere. The good news is the courier is aware. Furthermore, when the courier knows about road construction, there will be a workaround. Or a slow down. (Sometimes there isn’t a workaround because there’s only one way in.)
However, this is one large work site.
The delivery zone.
Similarly, a courier can use route selection as a tool to improve ratings. Furthermore, this applies to crew couriers, and solo couriers using a delivery app. Anytime, the courier is ahead of time, yields a better time.
Using Route Selection for improved Ratings
Most GPS maps are reliable. And some navigation systems show a route. And other systems, suggest a route. This takes into account the fact that there is usually more than one way, to reach a destination. In fact, that is what route selection is all about. Particularly for the courier familiar with an area.
Using route selection, as a proactive way to improve delivery times, does pay off. Additionally, it heightens the chances that even more discoveries will be made. Discoveries that could potentially lead to improved pickups and drop-offs. This goes for that space hog solo courier as well. What’s better than knowing a zone inside and out? Knowing five zones inside and out.
This isn’t a large stretch for the proactive solo courier. One advantage to the wider service area, of a delivery app, is varied opportunity. Add to that, strategic route selection, and the mix is good for improved earnings.
Safer Drop-offs
A safer drop-off is always a top priority. Between additional app security, and other precautions, safety should always be first. This website has many articles about safety on a delivery drop-off. Additionally, it isn’t always about bad actors trying to get one over on the courier. Or, savage squirrels, laying claim to a front porch. (Those critters are nuts)
Sometimes it’s about the drop-off and its condition. For example, a seriously dangerous driveway. Or, no driveway at all. Yet there is an enormous load of traffic. These moments also carry a lot of risk for the courier. Mistakes can sometimes be costly. Especially when on other people’s property.
With careful route selection, a courier can improve the safety of a drop-off. It might be as simple as finding a parallel road, that offers a safer parking situation. Or maybe it’s finding an alley that keeps the courier off a dangerous hill. Whatever the case may be, careful route selection is a benefit for the courier, and also the customer. Stay safe out there.
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